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These are the events that have change my life in one way or another - and STILL IS changing. Incidents are in random order and it expresses my opinion and emotions. Its told from my stand point and I hope in the process I do not offend anyone concern.
Profile: Nariman a.k.a Putri
- foreverknight
- Wherever the wind blows :), Singapore
- I'm a Jack of all Trades. But a Master of None. However, my primary passion is in Teaching. I'm very expressive with my emotions .... hence ... I'm no good in a poker game :) Love all the romanticism that life can offer. Love my family, my one and ONLY. Last but not least my surrogate family my baby Princess and Chomelanggun.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Going Down
For ideas on reducing your carbon footprint visit Yahoo! For Good this month.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Point of View
For ideas on reducing your carbon footprint visit Yahoo! For Good this month.
WHO Cares!!
For ideas on reducing your carbon footprint visit Yahoo! For Good this month.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Bon Fire Night
Guy Fawkes, called Bonfire Night, is a uniquely British festival that combines commemoration of a historic (some would say controversially so) event with bonfire celebrations that reach back to the Celtic harvest festival of Samhain.
Though not a UK National Holiday Bonfire Night is a deep seated tradition and is marked by public and private fireworks displays and huge public bonfires all over the UK. In fact, many people say that November 5th, Bonfire Night, is the smokiest night in the realm.
Remember, remember, the 5th of NovemberThe historic origins of Guy Fawkes date to the conflict between virtually outlawed Catholics and the Protestant establishment of the 16th and early 17th century. On November 5, 1605, Guy Fawkes and a group of Catholic conspirators were captured in the act of trying to blow up Parliament with barrels of gunpowder when the Protestant King James I was present. The Gunpowder Plot, sometimes contentiously referred to as "The Papish Plot" was foiled. Some believe the whole episode was a stitch-up but it did serve to inflame anti-Catholic sentiments in Britain for at least a century.
The Fire FestivalsThe date of the Gunpowder Plot coincided with the end of the English harvest season, traditionally marked with festivals. The fireworks that are now a firm part of Guy Fawkes are, no doubt, an ironic reminder of the barrels of gunpowder, but the huge bonfires - some with flames leaping 12 meters high - probably reflect ancient seasonal traditions once part of Samhain.
Guy Fawkes TraditionsMany of the celebration's traditions have changed with the times. The sectarian element, for the most part, has faded. The "guy" and effigy of Guy Fawkes, is still usually thrown on the bonfire but an effigy of the 17th century Pope rarely is. Today people of all persuasions come out for the fun of huge public fireworks displays and for the primal thrill of watching a really big bonfire.
As recently as 20 years ago, groups of children, with their stuffed "guys" begging for "A Penny for the Guy?" were a common sight on many street corners. The pennies were meant to buy fire crackers. Since children can no longer buy fireworks in most places and private fireworks displays are, in general, on the decline, this is now rare.
People used to stick sausages on sticks into the bonfire and roast potatoes on the coals. Nowadays people are more conscious of health and safety and getting that close to the huge bonfires is prevented by barriers at most public events. But sausages and potatoes or bangers and mash remain a popular Guy Fawkes supper.
Friday, October 26, 2007
All Hallow's Eve
Robert, but frankly ..... I've never seen it being celebrated in the UK.

What is Halloween? Is it worshipping demons? Is it spirits walking the earth?
The word "Halloween" is derived from a few things; All Saints Day (1st November), Eve of All Hallows (All Hallows Eve) or Hallow Even.

It was believed in ninth-century Europe that after you died, your soul remained in limbo. To send the souls up to Heaven the Christians used to go "souling". On 31st October, All Souls Day, they would go around to all the villages and collect "soul cakes" - a cake made out of square pieces of bread with currants. The relatives of the dead would pass the cakes on to the Christians who would promise to pray for their relative which in turn would send them on to heaven. The more cakes given - the more prayers said. This is one custom which was thought that trick-or-treating originated from.
It is also thought that trick-or-treating came from Britain where it was know as "Mischief Night", it is particularly popular in parts of northern England.
It could also of come from old Irish peasant practice in which they would go from door to door to collect money, breadcake, cheese, eggs, butter, nuts, apples, etc., in preparation for the festival of St. Columb Kill.

The Jack-O-lantern came from Irish Folklore. A man named Jack who was a drunkard and known for his quick temper got really drunk at the local Pub on All Hallows Eve. As his life began to slip away from him the Devil appeared to claim his soul. Jack wanted to stay alive and begged the Devil to let him have just one more drink before he died. The Devil agreed. Jack was short of money and asked the Devil if he'd assume the shape of a sixpence so Jack could buy a drink and after that the Devil could change back to himself. I don't know why the Devil is suddenly so stupid, but he agreed to do it (silly Devil). Once the Devil assumed the shape of the coin Jack seized it and shoved it into his wallet which (amazingly) had a cross shaped clip on it. The Devil was now stuck in Jack's wallet. He went crazy - yelling and screaming - ordering Jack to release him at once! Jack did a deal with him (oh yeah, smart move Jack) where he would release him if he agreed not to bother Jack for an entire year. The Devil was so anxious to be released he agreed.
Jack was ecstatic to have escaped the Devil and have a whole new lease on life. Jack mended his ways, for a little while at least. He was good to his wife and children and began attending church and giving to charity. But Jack slowly and surely slipped back to his old ways.
The next All Hallows Eve the Devil appeared to Jack again. He demanded that Jack accompany him to his death. Jack thought he could once again outsmart the Devil and somehow managed to con the incredibly stupid Devil into getting an apple out of a nearby apple tree. Jack even went so far as to hoist the Devil up the apple tree. Once the Devil was up the tree Jack took out a knife and carved a cross into the trunk of the tree - therefore trapping the Devil. The Devil went spare and started demanding to be released and yelling and screaming. He promised Jack that if he was let out of the tree he would give him 10 years of peace. Jack decided that wasn't good enough and demanded that he never be bothered by the Devil again. The Devil agreed and was released from his apple tree trap.
Jack went back to his drunken and angry ways and after almost one year his body gave out and Jack died. He tried to enter Heaven but was refused entry because of his evil ways. He then tried to enter Hell - but the Devil would never forgive Jack for the tricks he played on him. The Devil decided to be helpful for once and threw Jack a coal, he said it was to help him find his way in the dark of limbo. Jack put the piece of coal in a turnip and it became known as a Jack-O-Lantern. It is said that on All Hallows Eve if you look hard enough you can still see Jack's flame burning dimly as he searches through the darkness for a home.
The use of Jack-O-Lanterns as festival lights for Halloween is a custom that descended form the Irish who used carved out turnips or beets as lanterns. On Halloween these lights represented the souls of the dead. When the Irish immigrated to America they found that pumpkins were far more easier to come by than turnips. The Jack-O-Lantern then became a hollowed-out pumpkin lit with a candle.
In general the whole custom of Halloween was brought to America in the 1840's by the Irish immigrants who were fleeing the country's potato famine.
The evil side of Halloween was pushed forward mainly by the church. The church maintained that the gods and goddesses and other spiritual beings of traditional religions were diabolical deceptions and manifestations of the devil. Therefore the customs associated with Halloween were always represented by the church as being evil - ghosts, human skeletons, symbols of the dead, Satan and other creatures such as witches.
Wii?? No Idea
A distinguishing feature of the console is its wireless controller, the Wii Remote, which can be used as a handheld pointing device and can detect acceleration in three dimensions. Another is WiiConnect24, which enables it to receive messages and updates over the Internet while in standby mode.[4]
Nintendo first spoke of the console at the 2004 E3 press conference and later unveiled the system at the 2005 E3. Satoru Iwata revealed a prototype of the controller at the September 2005 Tokyo Game Show.[5] At E3 2006, the console won the first of several awards.[6] By December 8, 2006, it completed its launch in four key markets. During the week of September 12, 2007, the Financial Times declared that the Wii is the current sales leader of its generation.[7]
Watching Sara plaing on the Wii is really amazing!! Something I can never get the knack of.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Latest Addition
Can you guess who's who?? I didn't think they looked too much alike until I saw these pictures!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Final House!!
Once there .... the kids was Wow by their aquarium display of turtles of various species!! Plus their Persian cat Socks .... don't ask why they call the cat that!

Seems that they been having that for the longest time EVER!!

Something to keep them occupied.

Luisi trying to get Zack interested in the food ... but to no avail. Sara was just happy eating home food.
Sara trying her hand in Golf?
Well ... not a bad swing for someone at her age.
Message to Ponder
What a difference a sad event in someone's life makes. GEORGE CARLIN (His wife recently died...)

Taking Sides
Ok ok I know you love all of us equally and you are not on my side or anyone's side for that matter. Its either we do something right or wrong that's what counts.
I am greatful for all that you have done for me and being my pillar of strength. Sorry did not mean to ignore you and the family in the past. I know you hate me blubbering but sometimes I just can't help myself.
You are one of a kind .... and all the "Pen and Tell Bullshit Show" really made me thing in some way. Believing in Ghosts, wiget boards among other things. ..... BUT .... sorry I still believe in the Supernatural.
When I need you
You’re there for me
A better brother-in-law
You couldn’t be
The bond we share
Will always be strong
In my eyes
You can do no wrong
Raya Tales

Learning from the Young Uns
Gosh!! Its been ages since I've babysat. Luisi got up early to cook for us. I was glad that Zack had already warmed up to me .... AND HE CALLED MY NAME!! Isn't that fantastic!!
So the day after went quite well. No cry and no qualms from the little Zack. Picked up Sara at 1pm and got home. Being quite independent. She showered and I just had to oversee that her home work is done. Chinese, English and to practice her piano. .... than she is free to do what she wants.
His favourite breakfast ...... sandwich loaded with Peanutbutter!! Was good that he manage to drink Strawberry milk since he doesn't like milk AT ALL. Wow!!
Playing with Zack bring back loads of memories of childhood gone by. Its not just "Ok, you go play as long as nothing happens." Its playing with him that I enjoy most. Interacting with the game and toys that he plays. Singing along with him to his favourite tunes.
Dinosaurs, knights, animals, tools and trains .... are his fave! Playing host to his dinosaurs are what he like best. After awhile I got to know his routine. Bedtime stories - NEVER FAIL. As for Sara too.
My mum sometimes feel that I am neglecting her; even though we are in the same house! She forgets that babysitting is fulltime and my eyes on the kids are constant as kids move very fast. Quicker than I am at most times. Hence, I have to be vigilant ..... almost all the time.
Supervising in Sara's homework is somthing I also enjoy. Chatting up with her about school, her friends. her thoughts and ideas. I think having newspapers are good .... I found out that she would read some of the headlines from the Newspapers and my mum would tell her what the news was all about. The hard words which I think is difficult for her to say - she tries her best to say it!! Boy, she's gooood!!
Today went to Cold Storage with Sara after picking her up. Gosh!! You know how I love cheese. We went to the cheese section. I told her that if I have the money I will buy all those cheese. ..... Her reply was. "Than you will have finish all your money. You should save your money for a rainy day. I want to make my piggy bank full, so I can save it for a rainy day." How wise she is. A six year old telling her auntie that!!
Its been 12 days and the kids never tire me out. ... well .... you know what I mean right.
A six year old advice on forbidden words - Words we take for granted and use them without thinking:
lah - its a rubbish word
I Don't Care - rude because sometimes when we get angry we let words fly without meaning them
Oh my God - rude because it might offend some people. We should use Gosh or Goodness
AND IF SHE knows that you are not practicing what you preach .... hypocrite is what she would call you.
This babysitting stint really make me see things clearer and sometimes I guess we need to look at thing from a kid's point of view. But she's also smart to give excuses when she doesn't want to do somethings. .... that's pretty normal.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Second Day of Eid
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Monday, October 22, 2007
Nine of Swords
The Nine of Swords card suggests that my power today lies in realization.
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It was raining hard this morning so took Sara in a cab with Zack tagging along. To explain fully what I meant "Previously".... it means that names or direct hints will be mentioned. So I hope it will not bruise your ego so much. Ya ya if you read it you know who I am talking about.
Yesterday I received an sms from Chomelanggun. .... this morning I recieved a distress phone call. Oh gosh!! This is like the flashback of when the time Jazzmann and the rest of the misinterpreted soooooooooo totally wrong. I remembered I had to email while travelling!! Direct hints or names are rarely mention .... but I guess this time I have to. This is to avoid people getting the wrong idea .... EXCEPT for the one that's related.
My surrogate family is currently going through hard and difficult times now. What with the shifting and deferring of the operation ... though I know you are in pain but do not have a choice but to bear with it till situation clams down if part if not all of it. Sorry I cannot be there for you the way you want me too.
My immediate family is also going through hard times ..... basically its my mum: her health and her state of mind is like driving everyone at Grangeford up the wall. Plus our faithful help will be absent for 17days. So learning to babysit with all the qualms of youn uns is allot, tiring but enjoyable.
This entire Ramadhan and Hari Raya has basically tested almost everything I have never gone through. ..... patience with the old. I so admire Luisi the way you talk to mum. I so lack that. Hence, I the raising of the voices. I don't mean to sound like I am yelling at mum .... but ...
Ok ok. Looks like I am beginning to start rambling now.
When I am with my family it seems to them I don't care for my surrogate family and vice versa. I soooooooo try my best to separate my time. But sometimes its so hard for me to have the cake and eat it.
My life so full of drama but I'm keeping my head above water. ....
First, thank you Rob for being on my side and trying to undeerstand Princess's situation. Yup, I was in exile for several months. It was my choice. I was hurt by what the ONE said, says and most probably will be saying. :(
Ok. The ONE that I was referring to is related by direct blood. Yes, Rob I understand that she cannot be that cruel after all SHE is the one that gave me her kidney for a second chance in life. But ... her snide remarks ...
I have made many mistakes in the course of my life. True. But some or most of her snide remarks just make me draw back. I am sorry and I do realise that I have not been there for my family allot .... ok all the time.
But whatever the lot of you may think ... the separate life that I am leading with my surrogate family is just as loving. For we do go through ALLOT and its the emotional support that they have given me .... THAT in itself gave me strength to go on. Chomelanggun is not and never culculative. She has little she shares little, she has more she shares more. So to my dearest family ... now you see how just as important my surrogate family is to me as you are.
Mama, please convey this message to dad. When I left LP and when I sent that sms to my dad THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I MEANT ... not that I was taken care off less. What I meant was I am just as well taken care off at Woodies than I am at LP. Mama, please tell Dad I am truly sorry if he misunderstood me all this time.
I do love my family as much as I love my surrogate family. Though I live separate lives from the two. My mum is the one that ever enquired about Chomelanggun's well being. But I am greatful that all of you do ask about how my dearest princess.
Currently from what I know that little humble abode soon to be Chomelanggun's and Princess's home .... have been painted whose Princess's frenz kindly provided labour for. Finances flowing out.
Me?? Still living on the charity of others. So Rob, Steve, anyone else ..... need a staff?? I'm kinda free at least after the 12th November. This is about the time when I will be seriously looking for a job.
Why 12th November?? I am warning you guys NOW that I'll not be free on the 10th November because ... that's when Chomelanggun and Princess will be shifting.
12th November - is the final completion date.
I will be at Sara's school on the 31st Oct for her Holloween - Trick and Treating affair. I'm so excited!! It's my first Trick and Treating in Singapore!!
Don't worry Mama, after 31st Oct I promise dad that I will be visiting you guys across the causeway and will be spending some time there. (On the day that Luisi and Family is not going visiting).
Luisi will be going to Barcelona for four days from this Fri 26th Oct and will only be back on the 29th Oct. Gosh!! This means I got to learn how to cook on what Zack like to eat!! Nah, should not be that difficult right?? If Luisi you can do it .... I suppose I can.
Bottom line is .......... I will try to do my best for both my immediate and surrogate family.
Luisi I know what you were going through while I was in EXILE as Rob puts it. He shown me all the evidences of what you have to put up with mum. Hey, if you had called .... I would have helped out you know. But I do thank you for putting in all the smarts into mum's affairs.
Only Allah knows my true heart and how I really feel for both families. Yup, drama never stops in my life as it spirals down ..... but .... hey, I need to embrace the rain before I get the rainbow right?? Its now my storm.
I do not have all the answers for Chomelanggun's worries and to even lighten her wearies. It may be a seedy little place. Almost seem like a life in the ghetto. But I guess no matter how frightening ... there are things and situation where we just strengthen our guts.
Two options - you cacn still brave it out or bunk in at JE with my mum and me, whilst Pricess is at Jazzmann's domain.
Its still cramp .... but .... at least company is there. People, people ... PLEASE DON'T JUMP INTO WRONG CONCLUSION OK. I will still be there for mum as much as possible as I NOW know how bad her health is.
Q .... please I don't hate you and I do miss your kids. Can we EVER have a truce??
OK. Time for me to pick Sara up now. I'll update the rest later k :)
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Eight of Pentacles
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Friday, October 19, 2007
Turn of the Coin
If I am contacting you again today Nariman, it is because I know that if you wait for this period to occur without properly preparing yourself for it and without knowing exactly what you should do and at which moment you should act then you will unfortunately miss out on this valuable opportunity. You need all of the vital information which a full astrological reading can bring you.
Nariman, I know that each one of us counts on our own intuition but believe me, in my experience, this is often not enough. As far as you are concerned the Transit which you will soon live through is too important for you to risk missing out on it. As this period now seems to be very close (only a full astrological calculation will be able to determine the exact date of this period) I think it is urgent that you act now. I am entirely at your disposition to furnish you with all of the information which you need. This information will respond to all of your questions concerning the precise moment of this Transit, what you can expect exactly, what you should do to seize all of the chances which this period will bring you, in which places and times you should be in and much, much more...
Yahoo! Answers - Get better answers from someone who knows. Try it now.
A Surrogate-Family Affair
Love makes the world go round, but it can also send drama spiraling right down the drain. The recollection of someone loved too well and too uncritically can bury someone's emotion. Its indeed difficult sometimes when your responsibilities are torn and its difficult to please everyone. You cannot have the cake and eat it at the same time.
I just realize that people normally dismiss the good people do and magnify the bad deeds or bad actions.
Both families staying apart and still living two lives and so it goes on. Both sides misinterpreting my actions and my words. For my family it was a good reunion as I said my peace. At least they are begining to understand me slightly if not all. But ... there is the ONE that animosity bears its ugly head. I'm getting the knack of just ignoring the ONE.
But nevertheless I will try to spend equal time.
My Angels
A smile then appears upon my faceAnd the sun begins to shine.I hear a voice, so soft and sweetSaying, 'Everything will be just fine'It may seem that I am aloneBut I am never by myself at all.Whenever I need my Angels nearAll I have to do is call.
An Angel's love is always trueOn that you can depend.They will always stand behind youAnd will always be your friend.Through darkest hours and brightest daysOur Angel's see us throughThey smile when we are happy, and will cry when we are blue..
Thanks for being my Angel my friendI will be there for you until the end.

The Morning After
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Sunday, October 14, 2007
First Day of Eid
Eid Mubarak
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Storm Is Brewing
In a time like this .... Only money talks. But is wealth really everything?? Princess has gone through allot and still coping with what is looming in the near horizon. Likewise for Chomelanggun and myself.
I can feel Princess slipping away into her own world - impenetrable. She is the director of her own life. So the story goes on. What will the ending be?? An answer I know not.
Me?? Having to cope with pressures of all sorts. But I'm keeping my head above water. My other half whom I care allot being stuck across the miles whose future is uncertain. Loosing everything ..... but the silver lining ..... start over. Arduous but not impossible.
Chomelanggun's surgery. Shifting. Babysitting. Job haunting. Festive season. Medical check-ups. Looks like I'll have my hands full!
I can only pray for calmer water. .... InshaAllah.
Now I guess I have to hit the sack. Brighter tomorrowssssssssssss.
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Falsh Back - Princess's 17th Birthday
Name the Bear - Jazzmann got us each a bouquet with a cute little bear each. So we each name our respective bear. My bear name is stupid .... but I guess my brain were not working as I was tired myself.
The Quartet
The Carousel Staff Surprise
The Fool by Audrey
I can move beyond the fear factor. I don't know where I'm going, and I don't care where I've been. I only know that, as the hero of my own story, it's for me to find out. For, like Alice, I'm on the verge of stepping into a rabbit hole; unless I stop short and play it safe, I'll know soon enough where following my own feet has landed me on this curious venture.
The blissful frailty of unwritten conclusions and unguarded access sweetens the desire. So despite familiar warnings, irresistible promise draws my eyes wide open and away from domestic comfort zones, with only certain inquiry, hope and faith to recommend my course.
Yahoo! Answers - Get better answers from someone who knows. Try it now.
Coming Full Circle
It was good to be back. I never knew how much I miss this place. Mama and dad have kept the place and my bedroom spic and span as always.
Alone ..... trying to recollect my life in the past months. All I wanted just than was to just stay under the cover of my blanket and be oblivion to the world around me. I guess I must have succeeded. All I did was just sleep, eat, veg in front of the telly. Basically that's all that I have been doing for two whole days!!
Had buka with Mama and dad today and that felt good.
Coming full circle?? I can only hope. ....
While on the other side princess was R & R at PR with her other siblings. I also hope and pray that princess too have somehow found some form of conciliation and coming full circle in some small way at least. On the Woodlands front preparation was hard at hand sprucing up the place getting ready for Raya.
Please let this storm clear up soon.
Saying Good Bye
Despite of that ..... neither of us slept!! We played phone games, chated, listening to music RAP!!! Can you imagine Shahrazad listening to RAP!! Finally she slept but got up at 4am promptly for Shahur ..... all she had was cereal?? But than so did I. I guess I over ate at Adams Road.

6am sharp we left with Zan, Darian, Shahrazad, my Mum and me all packed in one cab!! Wati, Simon, Dad and Mama arrived shortly after us. While Simon and Wati checked in their bags we waited for them at Coffee Bean.
We chatted for a bit and it wasn't long when Wati and Simon had to go. We all accompanied them to their gate. Hugs and kisses were exchanged. I just wish they were here longer but duty calls.
It was than that I decided to go back to LP. Gosh ..... its been months since I last been there.
So Mama gave all of us a ride back home. Shahrazad sadly saw me stayed behind in the car but I promise her that next Sat she can stay at Nyai's house and we can spend more time together. It slipped my mind that the following Sat is already Hari Raya!!
Feast At Adams Road
Rob could not make it that night. I enjoyed spending time with my family.

The Day After
Baby steps I remind myself and do what I can. Storm is brewing but a Rainbow will soon appear. When .... its a something I will not know. But come I am sure it will.
You have to first embrace the rain before coming to the rainbow. Changes maybe hard to swallow but I guess we need each other (family and friends) for strength. But strength is in us and life is something we have to make the best of it.
Lately, I begun realising how much I am missing my family ALLOT. I hope and pray that each of us have come full circle in some small way. Things we did and not proud of and suffer the consequences we must.
Baby steps ......
Wedding Pictures
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Solemnisation Ceremony
So the invitation read ...................
Hi there everyone,
Apologies for the short notice, as explained the special day will be at the following:
Who: YOU!
Day/Date: Thursday, 4 Oct 2007
Solemnization Time:6.30pm
Place:The Grand Plaza Park Hotel
Address:10 Coleman Street, Singapore 179809
Location: Waterfall at the Main Hotel Lobby
Meal: Dinner Buffet to be served after the solemnization ceremony at Indulge at Park Restaurant.
See you all on Thursday!
Wati & Simon
It was a small wedding with close friends and relatives.
But nevertheless a successful one. Food was an International spread and we tucked in right after the Solemnisation Ceremony.
Darian's 5th Birthday
Mum walked through the door and was surprised to see Wati and Simon sitting comfortably eating as mum, Mida and myself arrive late. What else is new!! Aunt Chwee Im made her all time fave Phiti (erm ... not sure if I got that spelling right) but I am sure you guys know what it is.

So finally this cheeky nephew of mine turned 5! How time flies.
Deserts was Ice Cream and cakes and MORE cakes!
It wasn't long before it was time to open up the presies. One of them was a chateh. The kids, my dad and I had a go at it. I suck big time since not only have I not played for a long time .... but I rarely play it as a kid. My dad despite of being at the age of 74 .... BOY he can hit it like it was only just yesterday!!
He would have continued playing if not for the slippery floor! Good spot daddy-O!

Hhhhhmmm looking at what's left of the cake??
Princess Taken Ill
It wasn't toooo long ago princess was taken ill and was once again being hospitalise. This time for pneumonia in the right lung and for being anemic. This is the first time in all of these years that I had my eyes rolled up to the heavens for the way patients are being treated. Either that or I must be stressed OUT!!
Being in there for a couple of days. Found out that my dearest cuz is working in the ward right next to princess. I was greatful I could be by her side. AND that Jazzmann's bro and wifey was working there too!! What a small world and I had the pleasure of meeting them. God has indeed answered all my prayers. Alhamdullila.
There is that stairwell that still haunts me to this very day and I swear I don't ever want to venture out that EXIT again!!
Princess was trying hard to recuperate. Her MC covered her till the 28th but insisted she was strong enough to go to school.
Good Bye is not Forever
I know how much you guys worry about me ....... Please don't; for there are times I just want to swallow my own sorrow. So don't bug me about THAT ok. Ask me no questions and I'll tell you no lie.
One incident leading to another ........ after being jobless .... I think is a blessing in disguise.
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Torture or NOT - Eight of Swords
You have been so quiet for so long. Hope all is well. Keep in touch ya. When I was ready your torat today ... hmmm it seems so true.
You don't have to torture yourself. God is never cruel. This is reading is so true you know.
Anyways .... we all miss you ya. Don't stay away tooo long.
The Eight of Swords card suggests that my power today lies in denial or blocking.
'Don't even go there.' You will not let myself be limited, paralyzed, held hostage or alienated by fear or fantasy that relies on exploitive emotional rescue, sacrifice of truth, or victimization. YOU will not be a prisoner to your own perceptions or expectations.
Why did Cinderella stay? Do you want to be right or alone? Why have you placed a mental gag order on your own suffering or thinking?
You are empowered to question or endure by virtue of YOUR own self-worth because there is no honor in sacrificing your self to victimhood.
For ideas on reducing your carbon footprint visit Yahoo! For Good this month.
The EX BF's Birthdate
17 December 1958
Your date of conception was on or about 26 March 1958 which was a Wednesday.
You were born on a Wednesday
under the astrological sign Sagittarius.
Your Life path number is 7.
Your fortune cookie reads:
A warm smile is testimony of a generous nature.
Life Path Compatibility:
You are most compatible with those with the Life Path numbers 1, 5 & 7.
You should get along well with those with the Life Path numbers 4 & 22.
You may or may not get along well with those with the Life Path number 9.
You are least compatible with those with the Life Path numbers 2, 3, 6, 8 & 11.
The Julian calendar date of your birth is 2436554.5.
The golden number for 1958 is 2.
The epact number for 1958 is 10.
The year 1958 was not a leap year.
Your birthday falls into the Chinese year beginning 2/18/1958 and ending 2/7/1959.
You were born in the Chinese year of the Dog.
Your Native American Zodiac sign is Owl; your plant is Mistletoe.
You were born in the Egyptian month of Menchir, the second month of the season of Poret (Emergence - Fertile soil).
Your age is the equivalent of a dog that is 6.97769080234834 years old. (You're still chasing cats!)
Your lucky day is Thursday.
Your lucky number is 3.
Your ruling planet(s) is Jupiter & Neptune.
Your lucky dates are 3rd, 12th, 21st, 30th.
Your opposition sign is Gemini.
Your opposition number(s) is 5.
There are 69 days till your next birthday
on which your cake will have 49 candles.
Those 49 candles produce 49 BTUs,
or 12,348 calories of heat (that's only 12.3480 food Calories!) .
Your birthstone is Blue Zircon
The Mystical properties of Blue Zircon
Zircon helps one be more at peace with oneself.Some lists consider these stones to be your birthstone. (Birthstone lists come from Jewelers, Tibet, Ayurvedic Indian medicine, and other sources)
Blue Topaz, Ruby, Lapis Lazuli
Your birth tree is
Fig Tree, the SensibilityVery strong, a bit self-willed, independent, does not allow contradiction or arguments, loves life, its family, children and animals, a bit of a butterfly, good sense of humour, likes idleness and laziness, of practical talent and intelligence.
There are 77 days till Christmas 2007!
There are 90 days till Orthodox Christmas!
The moon's phase on the day you were
born was waxing crescent.