I feel I need to. This is for ALL the girls that Jazzmann's been with.
tooooo many girls. Please don't blame Foreverknight ok. Foreverknight's family -
I'm sorry to disappoint you people. I know you all love and adore him. But
this is the REAL him! Yes, he has a kind heart and he wants to please everyone. But at waht cost??
Jazmann aka Purpleheart aka Max X aka Fauzi .... your mind is so complex
that few or many fail to comprehend you. What do you want from us?? Or
rather WHO do you want?? Is monetary value most important to you??
Foreverknight - a kind and selfless person and so full of love. ...
She went out way after her lunch hour so just she could get food for the
cleaner - because she was hungry. Now how many of us would REALLY do that!!
Once we went out and it was late, few teenagers approach her for some money
saying that they have been robbed. Showing her the police report and all.
At that point of time she was dead broke. She still gave them half of what
she had .... why?? So that they can go back home!! If it was me - I don't
think I'd bother!
In the office its so easy to bully and take advantage of her - but she still
come out in a smile! Never failing to be bubbly and cheerful. No matter
how broken she is.
If we tell her her that this person is taking advantage; she would reply
"Evil cannot exist without good."
If you cheat and betray her; she would reply "I forgive you."
If you warn her that harm will come to her; she would reply "May god protect
me from hurt and take me without having to suffer much."
I have never in my WHOLE ENTIRE life come across anyone like her!! E.V.E.R.
Maybe she doesn't come from earth who knows!
Jazzmann walked into her life 5 years 7 months plus ago. Loving him and
never failing to stand by his side NO MATTER what fall or "STORM" they are
in. All she wanted out of him is TRUTH, FAITH, LOVE.
Now - due to being cornered (I'm sure if you ask him this he would deny this
fact and turned it around and point the finger at Wifey). He dumped
foreverknight!! He's the dumper. ALwayZzzz!! That's he's style - kiss and
run. You ask why?? He'll give you a million reasons to put the fault on
THE GIRL. If you ask why did it start?? - he'll blame it on wifey not
sleeping with him (from what I've been told it was only last July '05!!) But
can you blame her?? The youngest child is only about 1 year old!!
BTW - he told some of his gf that his wife died and that him and the kids
are staying with his mum!! What kind of a story is that!! If this is not
cruelty!! Than I don't know what is!!
He'll tell you - he's a responsible person in EVERY AREA. You think just
cause you give money to your kids every month THAT'S IT!! Sorry, its more
than that Mate!
How many hearts has he broken?? God only knows .... from appleblosom,
foreverknight, hanacutie maybe??, Mila maybe?? and many more along the way!
All he has to do is to adorn them with gifts, sweet words, poetry and
they'll melt at his knees!
Who does he think he is?? God's gift to women!!
Jazzmann's women from ex-wife to current wife to ex-gf (more than 1!!). Let me
tell ALL of you that he's work his magic AGAIN. He work fast doesn't he!!
Let's hope he doesn't break THIS current GIRL's heart. ... (erm ... that's 2 btw. 1 oversea and 1 local.)
What does he want out of us?? Or rather WHO does he want?? We ever chatted
on-line and once ... I ever asked him "why not just sleep with prostitutes?" Know
what his ans is .... "they have no feelings." So basically all he wants is
to have many flings??!!!
Wow!! Phone sex, cyber sex - I'm sure some of you
have done that with Jazzmann right?? What is so fantastic about that??
What happen to the conventional way?? Yeah, and THAT too!! His sexual drive must be so damn high!! He just cannot stick to apples but he also want a taste of oranges and mangoes!
I am writing this out of PURE anger. Don't worry. He has no guts to call
up foreverknight or visit ANY of you. You know why?? He is GUILTY as hell
and only full of lies.
Remember this Jazzmann life is a vicious cycle - you do this TO YOUR WOMEN.
You have 2 daughters!! Can you be certain that NO ONE will ever hurt both
your daughters?? You better pray hard that your son DON'T EVER BECOME LIKE
YOU!! Chip of the OLD block??
Your CRUELTY has no end!! Its beyond words!

I will salute you if you have an answer to this article dedicated ONLY to
you and FOR you. I'm sorry foreverknight. I just had to do it. Don't worry dear. He IS NO LOST!!
Now that Jazzmann is out of your life - you don't have to work so hard ok. Must learn to enjoy life, LOVE yourself first. You will always have princess by your side. Just concentrate on her. Just DON'T EVEN THINK of those sweet memories. Though I know its hard .... but .... yeah. This is the truth.
But than again I think partly you asked for it foreverknight. You should NEVER E.V.E.R surrender yourself 100%!! But I guess that's part of love.
In actual fact I can't believe you would do all these to foreverknight. Why didn't you just stop at her 5 years ++++ ago?? What fault has she done to you?? Why must YOU lie to all your girls?? Why can't you just be straight forward?? Why must you continue searching and going to many girls?? You ARE the one that created a monster in ALL of us girls.
What change you? ..... Any defence to any of these questions?? Ha ha ha!! Can't answer right!
Liar Liar Pants on fire - hope your balls get roasted as well!!
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