A doctor, a merchant, a teacher, a student ....
Dr SD is working in a country where no one can be trusted. He has three young uns. Yet sacrificing most of what he has for the sake of saving one life. A life I treasure just as much as mine.

Off all the people this Merchant had to fall in the most unlikely hands. In the beginning doubt and fear clouded my mind. It was only later evidences that I thought better of the caring hands of Dr SD.
You cannot judge the entire community just because of what the community is well known for.
I manage to speak to Dr SD yesterday with a more confident voice. I just hope and pray that Dr SD is patient. I am soooooooo happy when I spoke to Nic. His voice was lound and clear a sign that he is indeed getting better. Rather than the previous weak voice relying on a respirator.
Come next week ..... I would go full swing. Hence, I need to pick up tha pace fast. Tutoring three times a week, day time job and weekends teaching at MRC.
I soooooooo am going to miss spending time with Princess. But ... I guess quality time with her I will sought badly. Nevertheless, my love for you will never die no matter what ok.
Its funny how people from different continents come to be one!

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