METAL OX Horoscope Feb 19, 1901 to Feb 7, 1902 Feb 15, 1961 to Feb 4, 1962 So who is the Oxen in my life?? It's my One and Only Nicolas Watfort
Oxen in China are put on a pedestal. So it goes with Oxen people. Oxen are bright, peace-loving, often easy-going and trusting. But, on the other hand, they can also be stubborn, methodical, and fiercely competitive, with, shudder, fierce tempers to boot. Oxen are natural born mentors and life is filled with examples of people who have gone on to great success because of them. Mentally and physically alert to the point of genius, many Oxen belong to Mensa.
They can create the most imposing structures, magnificent sculpture, and homes. They respond like poets to the beauties of nature and of solitude. Oxen are unique, they are The Flower that bursts through the crack of cement. Metal Oxen never have to experience the whirlpools of life because there are always people around who will rally to their needs and pull them out before problems become too big. You can't help liking someone who is so friendly and genuinely warm. No doubt about it, Metal Oxen are very well liked and regarded. So very sociable, they are always planning memorable get-togethers for their friends and loved ones, whether it be by candlelight or in windswept sunlight.
In work, Metal Oxen are Dynamos, tenacious, determined, and so full of dedication, they are acknowledged as the best by colleagues. No problems here and REWARDS are many. Love life is somewhat of a mystery, but it is important to tell you it is filled to brimming with the same wonderful attributes that make Metal Oxen so successful in other areas of their life. The area of Love & Relationships is immensely satisfying. |
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