These are the events that have change my life in one way or another - and STILL IS changing. Incidents are in random order and it expresses my opinion and emotions. Its told from my stand point and I hope in the process I do not offend anyone concern.
Profile: Nariman a.k.a Putri
- foreverknight
- Wherever the wind blows :), Singapore
- I'm a Jack of all Trades. But a Master of None. However, my primary passion is in Teaching. I'm very expressive with my emotions .... hence ... I'm no good in a poker game :) Love all the romanticism that life can offer. Love my family, my one and ONLY. Last but not least my surrogate family my baby Princess and Chomelanggun.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
First Break
Its Been Awhile
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Thank You
Each of you have played a huge part and have contributed to what I am today. Thank you for being there when I needed someone to cry with, be angry with ... but mostly for just being there when I was weak. I still need each of you :)
My Normality
Basically ..... weekdays I'm at my mum's and weekends with Luisi but all of you already know that.
Anyways .............. its far tooooooo long to write on the small cutie events. However, I do have photos to show for it. Its in my facebook.
I spent time at Zan's place as she introduces some Japanese culture to me. Gosh!! Now I am sooooooooooooooooo into Arashi!! Oh no Zan!! What have you done :)
I am sooooooooooooo loving it!! Other than getting into Arashi I do tutor my nephew.
Shahrazad has been coming down to see me almost everyday whenever I am at Jurong East. That's nice of her. I am glad that we are closing the gap.
Enjoy viewing the photos ok :)
To Err is Human ......
It is because we have this memory thingie .... which I sometimes hate it. If there was a pill that when you take it will permanently erase certain parts of your memory. I'll take it.
Can we really say that its possible to picked up where we left off and forget all that had happened?? Somehow ... I doubt it. This will be and have been different for those of us that have been affected by the events.
I am so on your side honey always. Though some may disagree to forgiving criminals. They fail to see that criminals are also human. There are self help groups. Though how far that has helped many. I don't know. However, after having said that we must find the courage to first face them and help them back to that road to normality.
To those who are reading this: This is Man's sister here. Enjoy life, try your best in all that you do. If you manage to mess things up a bit, just try to do better the next time around. .....right?? Ok back to the serious writer......
Luisi, Luisi .... wise words. But its towards that journey that its hard and treacherous.
Please believe me honey that though I am on your side I also want to see the other party to change for the better and not get worse right??
Anyways ... glad to know you are well and moving on. Best wishes for all your future endeavours. Do take care and rest assured that I am only a call away.
The only acceptable apology is a humble apology. There is only one truth. You are always being watched.
Watching Maou .... Can't imagine how this series have affected me so much. Is revenge right?? I've learn that revenge only feeds our ego. That we didn't do anything wrong after all the other party have wronged us. Why can't we wrong them??
Even if I "COULD" revenge this person with the law on my side and all the evidence at the tip of my fingers. All I want is for him to feel the same pain as I have.
As I said many times before the only thing good that came out of that was my relationship with my baby princess.
Gosh!! I pity your life dear .... you know you can always rely on me. I thank you for your frankness and for never having to keep secrets from me. I love you so much.
I think I am weak in so many ways..... yes the series have reflected on my past and so many things else that has happened in which I can't even bring myself to ever wanting to remember them.
I hate you so very much yet I do not have the heart to destroy your life as you have destroyed mine. However, PLEASE don't take my warning toooooooooo lightly. I am capable of changing my decision.
Maō ('The Devil'), is a Japanese remake of the Korean suspense drama series titled Ma Wang which aired on KBS in 2007. The drama stars Satoshi Ohno of Arashi and Toma Ikuta, both under the talent agency Johnny & Associates.
Ryo Naruse (Satoshi Ohno) is a two-faced lawyer: on the surface, he is a kind-hearted soul, representing the poor and earning the nickname "The Angelic Lawyer" from the press; but unbeknownst to anyone else, he is also a "devil," meticulously plotting the perfect revenge against those responsible for his younger brother's death. Naoto Serizawa (Toma Ikuta) is a gung-ho detective whose overzealous methods mask a dark past which he is trying to overcome. When a family acquaintance of Serizawa's is murdered, Serizawa is thrust in the middle of a multiple-homicide case which stirs up memories of a dark event from his past - and Naruse's.
Those of you who can get hold of the DVD copy of this series. .... Its a MUST watch!
Best Friends Forever
Hey I know we had a fall out like a million years ago and till this day I've no idea what went wrong. Not sure if you have forgiven me for my past sins. We are blood sisters and I sooooo do love you dearly.
Anyways ........... it was good to be speaking to you like a human being.
One of the worst day of my life happens to be the best day of my life. One day after my scope and was completely knocked out by the sedation. Ohno #1 is how I refer her these days. I've never seen any fan bigger than my sis. She is a number 1 Arashi fan and a bigger Ohno Satoshi fan.
She kindly picked me up from hospital and took me to her house. She cooked lunch for me and I rested at her house till night fall. While I was there I played with Shahrazad and Darian .... Gosh!! I miss them so much!!
On that day I too had a hair cut and now look almost like Shahrazad!! Whilst having a hair cut I was entertained by some Japanese program. Before going back home she loaned me a Japanese series to watch and roughly told me what it was about.
I told her ok. I'll watched it when I have the time at LP.
Space, Trust and Freedom
Space - the unlimited or incalculably great three-dimensional realm or expanse in which all material objects are located and all events occur. Our own personal space: if have we would treasure and if we have none we would crave for it.
A space where we can grow into it or grow with it as long as time would allow it. Deprivation of of our own space can make one feels almost like being in solitary confinement. ... ok maybe I am exaggerating just a little :)
Trust - reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence. But how can we show one that we are anyone can be trusted?? Its our very actions and our past record that will bring us credit to our present character reference.
Trust is something that you earned ... not meet and say ... "I give you trust to do as you wish. Anything happens to you - you are not my responsibility ..."
As long as one NEVER fails to tell the truth. THAN ... there won't be any secrets will there!! In life sometimes and almost all the time - mutual trust is essential. If one is forever suspicious of every single action that the other party does and every single action has to be justified. ... after awhile one will get jaded of just plain living!!
Freedom - the power to determine action without restraint. But with freedom comes responsibility. Every decision we make .. we walk through the consequences of that decision and make us the person from those very action.
Its important to have supportive people around you can trust with your life be it a family, relative or friend. I find that listening plays a vital role in our life. So people LISTEN and change your mindset or you might find that you will soon loose the person closest to you.
Please be weary of the people you are with and people you socialise. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
Its been Awhile
We will soon be entering the second week of November. Allot has happen since August. I promise all of you that I will update my blog soon. Well, maybe just the most significant events.
I thought for a moment all of you have forgotten ..... hee hee.
Ok just a short note to say hi and thanks for not forgetting.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Is nariman Your Friend? Please respond!!
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Friday, September 26, 2008
My dad is fine now and have gone back to Johor in Malaysia which is just across the causeway. I followed him there. Unfortunately my parents do not have any internet at their house so I am quite out of touch. But ..... I am now back home. I really treasure and savour my break. I can't wait for the 30th when my sister will make her final move. It has been quite a hectic month due to the fact that my sis job consits of extensive travelling and so my strength needed to be deployed.
Manage to get rid of allot of stuff either giving things away or donating them to the Salvation Army and throwing stuff away. I hope we have made enough space for her move. Even though they have the money to get a new place of their own .... its not a good time to buy property now as property market heightens. Their apartment went en-bloc hence the move over to my dad's apartment. My dad and mama is in Malaysia most of the time so instead of buying a new place they will be staying here at my dad's till the property market soften.
Their pictures are on my facebook if you like to take a look at them for those of you who are on Facebook. My dad and I have followed the journey to America Votes and following closely on the proceedings of the US economy bailout. I so love watching Anderson Cooper 360 and Larry King. As far as I am concern this bailout is ONLY good if the US government have a condition for the citizens ... I mean hey after all they are using the tax payers cash. So if they want to use the 700 billion USD of tax payers money than the Government MUST make sure that the every citizen will be made share holders of all institution that the bailout includes. They must be transparent with whom they are helping. This way it will ensure that each citizen will get their divident back when times get better. *sighs*. What a mess!! Not just blatantly tell the citizen that their capital money is "protected" .... the word protected ...... hhhhmmmm DOES not mean that they WILL gaurantee that you get your money back. If they are not transparent and still go through with the bailout and the ONLY other way to get your money back is to raise the tax :( This is soooooooooooooo not good! MORE *sighs*
They should learn their lesson from about a year ago when Northern Roc went bankrupt in Newcastle and used the tax payers money for a bailout.
Anyways ..... on the brighter side the weather is cool after the showers. But I am in doors an cuddling under the duvet with the aircon on. Hhhmmmm wish you were here next to me.
I have no plans for today. On Sat ... I'll be watching the Presidential debate, I hope to watch the movie "Ma Ma Mia" or "Mirrors" but more like the latter. i need a movie to cheer me up and I'll be tutoring my nephew too in the late morning. On Sunday my sister's family will be coming down. She was in India for work for a week and she'll be back by tomorrow.
Thursday, September 04, 2008
August in a Nutshell!!
I normally stay with my mum .... but since my eye operation I have been staying with him and taking care of him. On the 22nd of Sept he will be able to take his stitches out. There are two stitches.
The rust that has been embedded in the right eye has been taken out and the cataract on the right eye has been taken out too. I am so happy that all went well. The left eye will KIV. Apparently it will only be corrected when he feels uncomfortable. So no rush.
Baby Princess is now staying with her dad ..... which she herself feels uncomfortable. But there is nothing I can do cause she is not related to me by blood so we only keep in touch when we have the chance to meet and via phone. The problem is there is no one there to even pay any attention to here there!! I can't believe I stayed with him for 7 long years!! Well, at least princess and me still do keep in touch with each other .......... always have!!
There have been interesting news especially with the politics in the US. I follow the convention very closely. But its just wayyyyyyy to long to discuss this matter over the email. I don't want you to be falling asleep. However, I must agree with what Sen. Joe Lieberman had to say, the Democratic vice-presidential nominee in 2000, on Tuesday spoke up for Republican Sen. John McCain, saying the presumptive GOP nominee is capable of bringing both parties together to lead the country.
You should vote for the person that can bring America to face a bright future and not to take note of the party they are in. I think its unfair for the republicans to say that Obama takes politics first before country. What is the purpose of showing tributes of heros that have served and died for America .... have they put any thoughts in the unsung heroes?? I must admit that McCain is war hero and served his country well. But just because he is a veteran in the war does not mean he knows how to bring America into a challenging future. Yes, Obama is eloquent in his speech but I believe he is a better person than Mccain .... One simple reason .......... McCain is a HIGH risk taker. Obama treads with caution. The crowd .... the Democrat convention .... they take the cake!! Lets see on Friday when McCain meets Obama.
Loads of destruction from mother nature ... Hana, Gustuv, floods. Protests in Thai, and more unrest in the Arab world ... well .... I always say ... A good Arab is a dead Arab! The Georgia crisis ........... how can the Russians blatantly say that it was orchetrated by the Americans. I was stunt to when I was watching CNN.
The closing of the China Olympic ..... went with a blast but not without scandals on doping and age fraud. Well, that's China for you!!
This week is the kids week off from school. So I took them out for the day yesterday at Fidgets and spent the afternoon there. Fidgets is Singapore's largest indoor soft play structure for children from 0-10 years, with dedicated baby and toddler play areas. Custom designed and manufactured in Australia by world leader Playtec, the structure includes the first automatic and interactive ball washing machine in Singapore reducing over 99% of germs.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Another Frivilous Lawsuit
Mrs.Grazinski sued Winnebago for not advising her in the owner's manual that she couldn't actually do this. The jury awarded her $1,750,000 plus a new motor home. The company actually changed their manuals on the basis of this suit, just in case there were any other complete morons around.
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Miss Universe 2008
Miss Venezuela, Dayana Mendoza Crowned MISS UNIVERSE(R) 2008 During Live NBC Telecast on July 13th
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Bastille Day
The French national holiday celebrates the beginning of the French Revolution
14th July
Bastille Day, the French national holiday, commemorates the storming of the Bastille, which took place on 14 July 1789 and marked the beginning of the French Revolution. The Bastille was a prison and a symbol of the absolute and arbitrary power of Louis the 16th's Ancient Regime. By capturing this symbol, the people signaled that the king's power was no longer absolute: power should be based on the Nation and be limited by a separation of powers.
Although the Bastille only held seven prisoners at the time of its capture, the storming of the prison was a symbol of liberty and the fight against oppression for all French citizens; like the Tricolore flag, it symbolized the Republic's three ideals: Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity for all French citizens. It marked the end of absolute monarchy, the birth of the sovereign Nation, and, eventually, the creation of the (First) Republic, in 1792.
Bastille Day was declared the French national holiday on 6 July 1880, on Benjamin Raspail's recommendation, when the new Republic was firmly entrenched. Bastille Day has such a strong signification for the French because the holiday symbolizes the birth of the Republic. As in the US, where the signing of the Declaration of Independence signaled the start of the American Revolution, in France the storming of the Bastille began the Great Revolution. In both countries, the national holiday thus symbolizes the beginning of a new form of government.
On the one-year anniversary of the fall of the Bastille, delegates from every region of France proclaimed their allegiance to a single national community during the Fête de la Fédération in Paris - the first time in history that a people had claimed their right to self-determination.
The French Revolution
The French Revolution had numerous causes which are greatly simplified and summarized here:
- Parliament wanted the king to share his absolute powers with an oligarchic parliament.
- Priests and other low-level religious figures wanted more money.
- Nobles also wanted to share some of the king's power.
- The middle class wanted the right to own land and to vote.
- The lower class were hostile toward everyone and farmers were angry about tithes and feodal rights.
- Some historians claim that the revolutionaries were opposed to Catholicism more than to the king or the upper classes.
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Friday, July 04, 2008
Nuts have long had a bad rap for being high in fat and calories, prompting weight-conscious runners to relegate nuts to their lists of forbidden foods. But as researchers take a closer look at walnuts, almonds, and other nuts, they're discovering these delicious, crunchy foods are packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. And that fat we were so wary of? Turns out it's good for our hearts — and our running.
That was the conclusion of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which released a qualified health claim in 2003 that states eating 1.5 ounces (about a handful) of nuts a day may reduce the risk of heart disease. That's because most of the fat in nuts is monounsaturated and polyunsaturated, which have been shown to lower levels of LDL (so-called "bad" cholesterol). "These fats are important for runners because they have an anti-inflammatory effect on the body," says Nancy Clark , R.D. , "and can help repair tiny muscle injuries that create inflammation."
Not just any nut will do, however. The FDA includes six nuts in its qualified health claim, but a few others didn't make the cut, including Brazils, macadamias, and cashews. These nuts have relatively high levels of saturated fat, which over time can clog arteries and lead to heart disease. It's also a good idea to steer clear of prepackaged nut mixes, which are often coated in oils and salt. Instead, buy the following types of nuts raw and toast them in the oven or on the stove top to bring out their full, rich flavor.
Why: Walnuts are very rich in the plant-based omega-3 fatty acid ALA.. This type of fatty acid isn't as effective as the kind found in fish, but a recent study indicates that ALA decreases inflammation that can damage arteries and may help reduce the breakdown of bone. Studies have also shown that walnuts can increase levels of HDL (known as good cholesterol) while lowering LDL.
How: Add walnut oil to salad dressing or use crushed walnuts to make a pesto sauce. Saute chopped walnuts and mix into taco meat for added crunch.
One ounce = 14 halves 185 calories, 4 g protein, 19 g fat
Why: A recent study found that the fiber in almonds actually blocks some of the nut fat from being digested and absorbed; participants also reported feeling satisfied after eating almonds, so they naturally compensated for the calories in the nuts by eating less during the day. One serving of almonds provides 35 percent of the Daily Value (DV) for vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant that may help protect against diseases such as Alzheimer's.
How: Add almonds to your breakfast cereal or yogurt. Mix into chicken salad, or indulge in a few dark-chocolate-covered almonds for a double boost of antioxidants.
Why: Peanuts are technically not nuts — they're legumes and belong to the same family as beans and peas. They have a low glycemic index, which means they're digested slowly and help maintain a balanced blood-sugar level. Peanuts also contain resveratrol, the same phytochemical found in red wine thought to protect against heart disease.
How: Use peanut butter as a sauce base for a Thai noodle dish. Lightly brown peanuts in a skillet and add them to a stir-fry, or chop and bake them into muffins.
One ounce = 28 nuts 166 calories, 7 g protein, 14 g fat
Why: These tasty, little green nuts are high in lutein, an antioxidant typically found in dark leafy vegetables that's been shown to protect our eyes from macular degeneration. In one recent study, participants who ate 1.5 ounces of pistachios every day lowered their total cholesterol levels, while participants who ate three ounces a day saw an even more dramatic drop.
How: Sprinkle pistachios on shrimp or scallops (or on ice cream for dessert). Add crushed pistachios to meat loaf in place of some of the beef or bread crumbs.
One ounce = 49 pistachios 158 calories, 6 g protein, 13 g fat
Why: A 2004 study ranked the antioxidant capacity of 100 different foods and found that pecans are one of the top 15 sources of antioxidants. In another study, pecan antioxidants were shown to prevent LDL from building up in arteries and lowered total cholesterol levels. Compared with other nuts, pecans have one of the highest levels of phytosterols, a group of plant chemicals that may help protect against cardiovascular disease.
How: Add pecans to pancake batter, or coarsely chop and toss with pasta. Mix finely chopped pecans with bread crumbs and use as a coating on any broiled fish.
One ounce = 19 halves 196 calories, 3 g protein, 20 g fat
Why: Hazelnuts have the highest nut level of folate, a B vitamin known to reduce the risk of birth defects. Research indicates that it, along with other B vitamins, may also lower the risk of heart disease, cancer, and depression. Hazelnuts contain moderate levels of potassium, calcium, and magnesium, all of which can help lower blood pressure.
How: Add roasted hazelnuts to asparagus with lemon vinaigrette. They also go well with sweets, like granola yogurt parfaits.
One ounce = 21 nuts 178 calories, 4 g protein, 17 g fat
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Monday, June 30, 2008
The Judgement
I will reflect a sense of gratitude for my life and those involved by showing humility, forgiveness and charity. By doing so, I feel a strong redemption for past events -- a great liberating feeling. I have punished myself enough and am free at last.
Clearing the conscience through forgiving yourself and others can bring an overwhelming sense of peace and joy.
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Editor: "Sir. It's amazingly unbelievable. How did you make this possible?"
Husband recalling his old honeymoon days said: "We had been to Shimla for honeymoon after marriage. Having selected the horse riding finally,
We both started the ride on different horses. My horse was pretty okay but the horse on which my wife was riding seemed to be a crazy one.
On the way ahead, that horse jumped suddenly, making my wife topple over. Recovering her position from the ground, she patted the horse's back and said "This is your first time".
She again climbed the horse and continued with the ride. After a while, it happened again. This time she again kept calm and said "This is your second time" and continued.
When the horse dropped her third time, she silently took out the revolver from the purse and shot the horse dead !!
I shouted at my wife: "What did you do you psycho. You killed the poor animal. Are you crazy?"
She gave a silent look and said: "This is your first time!!!"."
Husband: "That's it. We are happy ever after. "
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Monday, June 23, 2008
Quotes - Gordo Solo Zaretzki
"But none of the wicked shall understand (that the End of the Age is upon them)."
"Their is no key to happiness, only a ladder"
Hecto Lara Lahoz
Take care to take care and I will do the same...
Gordo Solo Zaretzki
"Only the educated are free"
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Horse Walks into a Bar
Horse walks into a bar, orders a beer, sits down at one of the tables, and starts reading his paper. The bartender is a bit shocked by all this, but pours the beer, and brings it over to the horse, who proffers a ten dollar bill for it.
Now the barman figures the horse isn't that bright, so he decides to pull the old 'short-change' trick on him. He duly goes back to the horse with 1 dollar. The horse doesn't say a word.
The horse eventually finishes his beer and goes up to the bar to order another. The bartender says to him, "Y'know, we don't get many horses in here."
To which the horse replies, "At nine dollars a beer, I'm not surprised!"
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Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Tough Love
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Love ....Tough Love .... I wrote on tough love a long time ago. I just thought I had to recollect that feeling. For those that played a part in my life .... I thank you. Zan, even if you hate me. Just know that I never hate you ok.
Robert ........... I do appreciate all that chat in the kitchen and yes, I do know that Luisi loves me and Wati too. Just that there are times when the past haunts me and I just start feeling down.
in love with alcohol,
it flung my mind
into the abyss.
My mind was not
amused by tough love.
Today someone asked
If I would like to be able to go back
And change all the things that had gone wrong
In my Life
And although at first
The idea seemed rather appealing
I quickly realized
That the good and the bad are so intertwined
That I couldn't change part
Without changing the whole
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Your obstacles will melt away, if instead of cowering before them, you make up your mind to walk boldly through them. Do the thing you fear and fear disappears. Confront your fears, list them, get to know them and only then will you be able to put them aside and move ahead.
When you face the things that scare you, you open the door to freedom. The only thing you have to fear, is fear itself.
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Day after day I keep hearing bad news after another.Hike in oil prices. Strike in some European countries especially fishermen due to the hike in marine oil prices and prices of seafood in their local states have gone up. Its also because of the free trade policy which makes seafood from other countries cheaper. Recession and inflation sweeping the globe. Hike in food prices too sweeping the globe.
Natural disasters .... first the cyclone in Burma, earthquake and landslide in China, tornado in the States, bomb blasts in Islamabad, plane crash in Honduras, killings in Johannesburg due to lack of tolerance for foreigners.
I'm wondering what's coming to this world!! Oh yeah, I remembered the Discovery expedition and the Japanese astronauts ..... and bring a flush part in which the pump broke. Ha ha ha.
There are people who are trying to do good though such as Tony Blair's Faith Foundation with many critics and others. The election between Clinton and Obama - sometimes I find their debate quite comical. Well, in the final analysis ... whatever the counting system of the votes maybe ... there can ONLY be ONE WINNER!! May the best "MAN" wins!

Currently I am reading a book written by Marsha Canham: The Blood of Roses. Its been awhile since I've read a romance book. This is one that takes the cake!! About loyalty, sacrifice and love.
The stunning sequel to The Pride of Lions! In a novel that sizzles with passionate intrigue and breathtaking romance, Marsha Canham whisks the reader back to war-torn Scotland as a legendary warrior fights for the two things most precious to any man: his country and the woman he loves. She was born an Englishwoman, but he made her a Scot, pledged to fight for her beloved husband-even against the country of her birth.
Catherine Ashbrooke Cameron had committed the unpardonable sin of falling in love with her husband-a Scottish spy she married in her English home. Now, as she raced to the Highlands, into the strong, tender arms of Alexander Cameron, the innocent English beauty would learn the passions of war-and the price of love . . . . He fought to keep her safe as he battled the English enemy-and betrayal from within.
Alexander Cameron was a man with a price on his head and enemies to burn. Love had made the legendary warrior vulnerable. Now he must protect Catherine from the dangers that threatened them both. But as he rode into battle against the English, she refused to stay behind. He had claimed her, touched her, loved her, and she vowed nothing would ever separate them again.
I've watched several movies (in which you can read my reviews on my facebook profile). The latest movie I watched is the "The Chronicles Of Narnia: Prince Caspian". This is the first time I'm watching the Chronicles of Narnia. Pretty good I should say. Though I must admit that the moving of the trees are soooooooo LOTR!!
But the story line to bring in young Queens and Kings are rather refreshing.
Its quite good. But not worth watching a second time.
"Prince Caspian" finds the Pevensie siblings pulled back into the land of Narnia, where a thousand years have passed since they left. The children are once again enlisted to join the colorful creatures of Narnia in combating an evil villain who prevents the rightful Prince from ruling the land. Written by Max Davison {RockyHexorcist2785}
The four Pevensie children return to Narnia, only to discover that hundreds of years have passed since they ruled there, and the evil King Miraz has taken charge. With the help of a heroic mouse called Reepicheep, and the exiled heir to the throne, Prince Caspian, they set out to overthrow the King, once again with Aslan's help. Written by comicfan
A year after their first adventure in Narnia, Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy are pulled back in by Susan's magic horn. They find that hundreds of years have passed, and Narnia is now ruled by the bloodthirsty General Miraz, uncle to the true heir, Prince Caspian, now in exile. Now the children must find Caspian and help him depose Miraz...but how will they get home after it's done? Written by rmlohner
For people who have been asking about my travels??
I've gone to loads of places and I've visited many countries. You can look it up in my Facebook. I love traveling. But now that I 'm not working and my finance situation does not permit me the luxury I am use to. For now ... I'm quite content. I don't go hungry and I've a roof over my head.
I love traveling and meeting new people. I have worked in England doing various odd jobs. Countries I have visited:
Far East – Malaysia, Brunei, Thailand, Burma and Indonesia
Middle East – Jordan and Jeddah
Other countries – Europe, Britain, Australia, United States and Canada.
I've no plans so far for this week .... same o same o .... read, swim, watch movies, sleep and sleep and sleep.
Yeah I know I need to WAKE UP and SMELL THE FLOWERS!!!
For now?? I guess I need to just stay in my little hole.
Monday, May 12, 2008
No Shock
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Sunday, May 11, 2008
God replied, "Among the many angels, I chose one for you. She will be waiting for you and will take care of you." "But tell me, here in Heaven, I don't do anything else but sing and smile, that's enough for me to be happy.""Your angel will sing for you and will also smile for you every day. And you will feel your angel's love and be happy."
"And how am I going to be able to understand when people talk to me, if I don't know the language that men talk?"
"Your angel will tell you the most beautiful and sweet words you will ever hear, and with much patience and care, your angel will teach you how to speak."
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don't accept it. It's a virus. Tell everyone on your list because if somebody on your list adds them you will get it, too. It is a hard drive killer and a very horrible virus.
Please pass this on to everyone on your list. We need to find out who is using this account. Sorry for the inconvenience.
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No Words
Desire nothing, get a pity. Path is muddy but goal none, Wander midnight soul, irregular beat.
Life a journey, many restrooms but no relief. Who to blame, I have no shame. Come death, I conquer as alive. Share destiny when none exist, Defy logic and dispel myth.
Life of eternity, momentous joy. Forsake me, @ ur own peril. Legends grow tall when sacrifice abound. You r my joy, comprehend. Religion is life. disciples none. Leader plenty, follower disperse. Shy now, merge later. One shape, many forms, tonite cloudy but full moon awaits. Hollow words, heavy tears.
Smile not trismus, ataxic gait. Lead me, not off the cliff. push me into oblivion. as I am none.
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A Smarter Email.
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
A Mother's Love
We love ourselves and others.
There is no sky we'll ever see
Not lit by that first love.
Stripped of love, the universe
Would drive us mad with pain;
But we are born into a world
That greets our cries with joy.
How much I owe you for the kiss
That told me who I was!
The greatest gift--a love of life--
Lay laughing in your eyes.
Because of you my world still has
The soft grace of your smile;
And every wind of fortune bears
The scent of your caress.
Because of you .............. I am still here!
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A Smarter Email.
Sick Mule
The hunter said, "Sure," and headed for the car.
While walking back, however, he decided to pull a trick on his hunting buddies. He got into the car and when they asked if the farmer had said OK, he said "No, we can't hunt here, but I'm going to teach that old cuss a lesson." With that, he rolled down his window, stuck his gun out and blasted the mule.
As he exclaimed, "There, that will teach him!" a second shot rang out from the passenger side. And, one of his hunting buddies shouted, "I got the cow!"
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A Smarter Email.
Queen of Wands
The Queen of Wands card suggests that my power today lies in liberation. I radiate or communicate personal power, passion, and allure and am not dragged down by trends. I have a bold magical flair and a spirit of innovation and pride. I am secure in my identity or performance and thrive on creating, designing or fostering new or equal opportunities for aesthetic or personal growth, expression or awareness.
I am empowered with gratitude, attention and reputation to go beyond the call and I transform through exploring or initiating change.
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