Tracing back the steps when Jazzmann met me and love blossoms. Seems like so many years ago. Though its history ... looking back at the good times.
This blog is just dedicated to some of the SMSes (Short Message Services) that he sent me many years ago. From the time I knew he will be the ONLY one I love.
16102003 - This is when I decided that I love him truly and would sacrifice anything and everything for my one and only love....... besides my family offcourse.
I finally know why I had to live a life tainted with lonliness, its because you weren't in my life before. Now you are my inspiration and SAVIOUR....... YOU ARE AN ANGEL IN DISGUISE.

22022004 - This was the last message he sent me from this number...... as after this message he lost his handphone. A year after this incident when I finally met Chomelanggun - I found out that he gave it to her and NOT that he lost it. Whatever the story maybe its in the past as the ACTUAL truth only holds with the people directly involved.
On my way to AMK. so how was your day? Had dinner?
Had quite a busy day today. Visit a sick relative and had a talk with my ex and my daughter.
Appointment confirm on 2nd march at 10am till 2pm. I just slept for few hours before going to work at 3pm at Bishan. I'm going to sleep after my night shift paper work. Will call you later when I settle at AMK.
27022004 - This was sent on the way to see Princess for her medical appointment at Kandang Kerbau Hospital.
It might be a drop in the ocean but to me its like a "nila" that changes the whole concept from a faint heart to a ray of hope in life.
Thank you Dear.
Love means never having to say you are sorry. I understand. I know you love me deeply and so do I. Just take care for I will accept you the way you are even more.
02032004 - The first ever poem he sent me!! I never knew he could write poetry sooooo well!
Life has new meaning to me
Opening my eyes to see
The beauty that shines on me
The love in you I cherrish deeply.
Holding hands as we walk along the esplanade
My life you have mould and made
The beautiful words we said
May the Grace of God it doesn't fade.
Life is full of surprises!
Its a beautiful day today
The start of a new day
That brings together the softness of your heart
And the sweetness that you bring.
Our hearts leap with joy
Togetherness that we seek
May we become the ploy
In God's play as we speak.
I'm off with Anna after few hours of treatment
On the way to her home for comfort I shall give.
Thank you my dear for terms of endearment
May we love forever and forgive.
Take care sweetness will call you soon.
Very compassionate a person you are
that glows of softness that radiates from afar
Not many people can see the beauty in thee
You are truly God's gift for the world to see
Thank you my dear for the help that you give
My daughter Anna is grateful that she live
No amount of words that can be spoken
Just a prayer each day an appreciation as a token.
I'm on my way to work ......... AMK tonight.
05032004 - This was sent just few hours before he flew off to Kuala Lumpur for a working conference. It was only a year later that I found out he was there to meet Appleblossom.
ok. You take care too and don't skip meals ok? When I come back I want you to be fat and firm ready to be slaughtered ........ hee ........... hee
26042004 -
A beautiful person like you warmth the heart
Little things you do sets you apart.
People with loneliness and sad emotions you have taken
Indeed you are God's given soul from heaven.
26042004 -
Yes, I have a fever that won't go away
I guess my heart wants to stay on that day
Missing you so much when I say good bye
I wish my soul have wings so to you it will fly
27042004 -
My fever it seems is here to stay
The doctor gave me MC just for the day.
Going home now for a little rest
I guess that is the thing to do and its the best.
Its been a pleasure to kacau you early in the morning
I hope it makes your heart like a bird singing.
So I bid you good night my Sweet feline
May our relationship mellow through time.
11052004 - This was sent was sent in 2 parts. After 4 days of no word!! He tried to comfort me with poetry!!
Never will I forget that Friday afternoon
Waiting in anticipation the love that bloom
Its been days but it seem like so many years
Missing you so very, very much
And it still lingers.
Holding you in my arms again was a dream come true
So cute and petite you drive away my blues
The warmth that was lost creeps back into my heart
It was heaven my dear I wish we never part.
The places that we go and the things that we do
Reminds me that my life will be empty without you
The feelings that I felt till now so vivid and clear
How I miss you my dear I wish you were here.
I bid you farewell that night but not for long
Take it like the pass of time of one single song
Feel our love through time as much as we want
May one day our hearts and soul will be as one.
Sweet memories...