My posts are not in order of events but rather in the order as I recall them. Sometimes its impossible to report things live as a PC is not always accessible.
First day of Chalet Friday 29th
I was unfortunately working and can't get off early. Somewhere in the mid-afternoon a surprise call from Purpleheart he wants to prepare chicken for Princess and the Home Sweethearts!!! So he ajourned to the Princess Lair ..... must be sometime since he's been there.
Thought it was good for the two to catch-up.
I myself got there late. I heard the Hotty and Purpleheart exchange a "special" handshake. Hhhmmm that's a good sign. :)
By the time I got there the fire was already going. We got friendly neighbours who kept "feeding" us with food. I was feeling so out of the woods that all I had was cereal and cold milk and stayed in bed. Those who were there was absolutely fantastic - coming in and out just to check in on me. Thanks for the comfort folks.
Frankly ... I can't quite recall the following days that led to the 31st Dec. Since it was Hari Raya Haji I made the customary call to my parents as my dad was not in town and my mum was babysiting at Grangeford.
The same sentiments was felt by most of the Home Sweethearts but Skoot was the only that voiced it. Hhhhmmm - less drama, less fun. Well, this is true - second phase of growing up I guess. No security came over to quiet us down we and we were "TAME" by the HomeBoys standard.
The night before was only Princess, Hotty and myself. All I ever did from the 29th till 31st noon was to sleep, get up just for medication and back to sleep. I was so much better on the 31st itself. So I joined Anuar and Mafia in a game of Monopoly. I lost hands down!! Anuar is wayyyyyyyy toooooo good. He bought at strtegic points and practically monopolizes the board!! Re-match??
After the game,Mafia and I sneaked out and bought us some spray stringers. NoONE suspected it. Few seconds close to mid-night we sprang on everyone!!
HAPPY NEW YEAR .... 2007
Soon Hotty, Abang, Wind soon found our sprays and join us. Princess and Shakila were the lucikiest as they were in the showers. We waited patiently outside the door till Princess and Shakila came out .... Princess was the smart one she had a towel covering her head!! Sighs ... so she's the only one that did not get hit.
It wasn't long when I too head for the showers while the rest headed to join the gaiety of the rest of the crowd. To boogie and party till the wee hours .... which I have no clue. All I knew was suddenly I could feel Princess's body crept next to mine.
Soon .... before we knew it ... it was 9am. I was the first one to hit for the showers. Made breakefast of bread and jam and Milo. 10.30am there was s surprising knock on the door. Purpleheart appeared!! I was still groggy from sleep and I don't quite exactly know what to say except to mumble a "hi".
Things are much quieter and we packed with less commotion than we did the last time. Shakila, Cha Cha, Princess and I took one cab and the boys in the other.
That afternoon .... i practically slept for SEVERAL hours!!
So the 2007 is finally here!
All the best!
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