Crazy BabE
One fine day in 2006 Princess knew I was stressed about Jazzmann. Trying hard to help him solve some family issues. .....
Came back home ... (though many homes I have. In truth I have only one. My home lies where my Princess's heart lies.) Lets paint the town red she suggested. I said ok. Since neither of us have any clue to where we are heading. She suggested lets head for Boat Quay and we can decide when we get there. Ok.
Once there we chill at TCC. Had coffee, dessert, coffee than thought what to do next?? Hey lets be tourists for a day I suggested!! Lets go for a River cruise!! We did just that and had a ball of a time!! We acted like real tourist. Heee. heee That's quite easy actually with our little knowledge of places in Singapore ... and being with me is no help since I'M FOREVER DIRECTIONLESS.
Walked around - thought of a place ... erm ... hey let's go to X place problem is ... neiher of us have any clue to the location of this place!!
Hey lets call for directory service - ok. Sounds like a good idea at that time. No answer. Maybe they were to busy I suggested. Princess said if the place is THAT famous it should not be that difficult to find right??
Took a cab down to Jalan Mohamad Sultan (at least we thought it was in that direction). Ok its not there. So we asked around - people pointed us to a million directions. Princess called her friends who thought they knew the place. Well ... they kind of knew where it was JUST NOT THE EXACT location.
Finally took a cab. ... the cab driver entertained us with the funniest jokes about "the location" going ALMOST everywhere. Princess said I'm not satisfied - at least we must know where this LOCATION was. I agreed. We walked. Took cab. Took a trishaw!! Everyone thought we were tourists!!
For every step of the way no matter how frustrating it was ... it was fun and we could laugh at it now. The trishaw ride was the highlight of the evening! Worn out from walking and having no more ideas we found a bench and rested.
I needed a smoke badly! I was staring at my phone and realised that I was out of battery. It SUDDENLY strike me ... we have handphone with most high technology services - but NOT ONCE DID IT EVER CROSS OUR MIND TO EVER USE IT!! We started to laugh at our own stupidity!! When we finally checked the net ..... GUESS WHAT!!
The place was CLOSED!! But the bright side of it .... we FINALLY knew where it was!
We finally took a cab back and got drunk by our own laughter and stupidity. When we got back home ... there were more clumsiness that followed. We kept repeating the word "BODOH! BODOH!"
WHAT A BRAIN DEAD adventourous DAY!! Nevertheless ... we enjoyed the evening.
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