I wrote a big book in 2003 called That Distant Land its about a horse's journey from Spain to Dover. Describing roads and sceneries. ... Well ... maybe one day ... I put it up on my blog.
My friend Alaa from Egypt sent me some pictures of horses. Alaa is one fantastic photographer who takes wonderful and fantastic pictures which never fail to touch my heart. Here are some.

H...... Happy, joyful creatures that always make me smile
O.......Obviously the best animal in the World
R........Really lovable and very good friends
S.........Special animals that will always listen
E.........Each and everyone unique in their own way
S.........Soaring over jumps is the best part of riding them!!
A dog looks up to a man
A cat looks down to a man
BUT a patient horse looks a man in the eye and sees him as an equal!!
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