Thank you for all your sweet off-line messages which I read after returning home from the hospital. And Seagulles thank you for your morning call it was a pleasant surprise.
On the 8th Feb as I told you I had a backache. Apparently I overexercise and been taking care of my mum which soon took its toll on me. It got worse the very next day. Not sure what to do .... my dad told me to go to the emergency since all the clinics were close. So we went. The only reason I was hospitalised was because my bp was low - 80/50. But my third sister and me always had low bp. So oh well ...... i guess they did not want to take any chances and so held me back.
After all the investigation they went through and could not find anything wrong with me in which I already suspected they released me. So Luisi and Rob took me home after the discharge. Went to see my mum for awhile and we had dinner with her ..... or rather only Rob and myself had dinner with my mum. Luis and Rob, the kids, my dad and mama visited me at the hospital. Sara as usual played with my handphone snapping photos and editing them into short clips. So .... Ana and her could not visit me because my family was there. *sighs*
Ana sent me a sweet message I assured her that I am not going anywhere and that I will always love her.
Sad that my family and surrogate family CANNOT become one all because of Ana's dad. BIGGER *sighs* why can't they just see beyond that?? Why can't my family see that she is just a kid that needs love. So what if she has parents!! Her parents don't know her the way I do. Can't they just say that ok her dad is cruel and he WAS my ex bf and leave it at that. Why must they think that ANYONE related to him is bad! AAaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrggghhhh!! It frustrates me how people think. Can't they just think that she is just one kid instead of thinking she is my ex-bf's child. So I still lead two separate lives!! Sad but true! But the feeling is more for Ana's parents rather than towards Ana herself.
Luisi, the two kids and maid escaped to Zan's house ( my second sis house) which is in the same block. Luisi left her hubby to settle things with my mum or rather for him to talk to my mum and try to knock some sense into her and I was just there to verify certain issues.
All is cool and they came back down to my mum's. After few mins we left for my dad's place. The plan was to drop me off and that's it. Luisi asked her two kids if they wanted to see their Grandparents. They shouted yes!! So we all trooped down. One thing led to another ..... Luisi being organised and always looking ahead and she said since she was there might as well help clear whatever she can. Reason being is they are planning to stay at my dad in June of this year. So she is already planning on where things should go. In the midst of cleaning things up ..... she stumbled onto my Anne Rice's books WHICH SHE SOOOOOOOO NEARLY WANTED TO GET RID OFF!!
I stopped her in her tacks. She said they are only books!! But to me its a collection of wonderful, books. I have MOST of her collection. I love the style in the way she brings her objects and subjects to life. She is a fantastic author. I do have other books which was lost in the midst of moving houses
Victor Hugo Le Miserable was one such book. It was unabridged and was in in its original writing in French but translated in English. I would cry every single time I read the book. I would buy it if I see it in Borders or any bookstore. I saw that musical too about 5 times!! 
Anyways ........ I am sure I'll find it somewhere ONE FINE DAY!!
So after taking injection of Tramadol 50mg and that made me a little drowsy. I slept early and I got up late. I hate taking pain killers. They suck big time!! It doesn't help. It just suppresses the pain but NOT get rid of it. So I stopped taking it for the day. Today the weather was hot with occasional breeze, breakfast was peanut butter sandwich. Mama was baking bread and butter pudding ...... Yumminessssss! My fave!! So I helped her make the custard sauce for it.
After lunch watched the ending of "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead's Man Chest" ........... with both of my fave actors acting. How can anyone refuse??
Jonny Dep and Orlando Bloom (I still liked him as Lagolas in Lord of the Rings). They are such a dish! Followed by Victory filmed in 1981. Its such a good movie and one that you will not get sick off. Well, maybe its because I'm also a soccer fan.
In the UK ..... EVERY single Christmas ...... you will hear the Queen's speech followed by Victory followed by a James Bond Movie followed by going down to the Pub IN THAT order or going down to the pub half way through the Queen's speech! Ha ha.
Its a Sunday today, so its CSI night starting from 9pm!!
Its now 19:05hrs and am getting hungry so I am going down to get myself bread and butter pudding ......... want some??
For the past week its just riddled with bad news:
1) Catwoman's (my best friend) her granddad past away - 7th Feb
2) Princess's granddad past away - 8th Feb at 2am
3) Pak Wan my dad's oldest brother is seriously taken ill for the past few days at the Singapore General Hospital and is still in Intensive Care Unit
4) I was hospitalised for a backache
5) Dickson's dad is also taken ill after a car accident smashing his head in the front screen and is still in Intensive Care Unit. A 12 year old now without parents. I love him so dearly. Always wondering how is he holding up.
Gosh!! Dear God, I can't handle anymore bad news!! However, after having said that .... our lives are in God's hands so ONLY he knows what is best for us .... better than we know ourselves! Hence, I can only pray for more better news. Amen.
On the 8th Feb as I told you I had a backache. Apparently I overexercise and been taking care of my mum which soon took its toll on me. It got worse the very next day. Not sure what to do .... my dad told me to go to the emergency since all the clinics were close. So we went. The only reason I was hospitalised was because my bp was low - 80/50. But my third sister and me always had low bp. So oh well ...... i guess they did not want to take any chances and so held me back.
After all the investigation they went through and could not find anything wrong with me in which I already suspected they released me. So Luisi and Rob took me home after the discharge. Went to see my mum for awhile and we had dinner with her ..... or rather only Rob and myself had dinner with my mum. Luis and Rob, the kids, my dad and mama visited me at the hospital. Sara as usual played with my handphone snapping photos and editing them into short clips. So .... Ana and her could not visit me because my family was there. *sighs*
Ana sent me a sweet message I assured her that I am not going anywhere and that I will always love her.
Sad that my family and surrogate family CANNOT become one all because of Ana's dad. BIGGER *sighs* why can't they just see beyond that?? Why can't my family see that she is just a kid that needs love. So what if she has parents!! Her parents don't know her the way I do. Can't they just say that ok her dad is cruel and he WAS my ex bf and leave it at that. Why must they think that ANYONE related to him is bad! AAaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrggghhhh!! It frustrates me how people think. Can't they just think that she is just one kid instead of thinking she is my ex-bf's child. So I still lead two separate lives!! Sad but true! But the feeling is more for Ana's parents rather than towards Ana herself.
Luisi, the two kids and maid escaped to Zan's house ( my second sis house) which is in the same block. Luisi left her hubby to settle things with my mum or rather for him to talk to my mum and try to knock some sense into her and I was just there to verify certain issues.
All is cool and they came back down to my mum's. After few mins we left for my dad's place. The plan was to drop me off and that's it. Luisi asked her two kids if they wanted to see their Grandparents. They shouted yes!! So we all trooped down. One thing led to another ..... Luisi being organised and always looking ahead and she said since she was there might as well help clear whatever she can. Reason being is they are planning to stay at my dad in June of this year. So she is already planning on where things should go. In the midst of cleaning things up ..... she stumbled onto my Anne Rice's books WHICH SHE SOOOOOOOO NEARLY WANTED TO GET RID OFF!!
I stopped her in her tacks. She said they are only books!! But to me its a collection of wonderful, books. I have MOST of her collection. I love the style in the way she brings her objects and subjects to life. She is a fantastic author. I do have other books which was lost in the midst of moving houses
Anyways ........ I am sure I'll find it somewhere ONE FINE DAY!!
So after taking injection of Tramadol 50mg and that made me a little drowsy. I slept early and I got up late. I hate taking pain killers. They suck big time!! It doesn't help. It just suppresses the pain but NOT get rid of it. So I stopped taking it for the day. Today the weather was hot with occasional breeze, breakfast was peanut butter sandwich. Mama was baking bread and butter pudding ...... Yumminessssss! My fave!! So I helped her make the custard sauce for it.
After lunch watched the ending of "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead's Man Chest" ........... with both of my fave actors acting. How can anyone refuse??
In the UK ..... EVERY single Christmas ...... you will hear the Queen's speech followed by Victory followed by a James Bond Movie followed by going down to the Pub IN THAT order or going down to the pub half way through the Queen's speech! Ha ha.
Its a Sunday today, so its CSI night starting from 9pm!!
Its now 19:05hrs and am getting hungry so I am going down to get myself bread and butter pudding ......... want some??
For the past week its just riddled with bad news:
1) Catwoman's (my best friend) her granddad past away - 7th Feb
2) Princess's granddad past away - 8th Feb at 2am
3) Pak Wan my dad's oldest brother is seriously taken ill for the past few days at the Singapore General Hospital and is still in Intensive Care Unit
4) I was hospitalised for a backache
5) Dickson's dad is also taken ill after a car accident smashing his head in the front screen and is still in Intensive Care Unit. A 12 year old now without parents. I love him so dearly. Always wondering how is he holding up.
Gosh!! Dear God, I can't handle anymore bad news!! However, after having said that .... our lives are in God's hands so ONLY he knows what is best for us .... better than we know ourselves! Hence, I can only pray for more better news. Amen.
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