Never judge a person by its cover.
To each HIS own.
Turning into a new leave??
Lately Princess received some hate shout on her blog but she's not the only one affected!! Why do people need to give such remarks.
Jazzmann once told me that we are all govern by society that we live in. So what does this mean?? That we all have to dress and speak ACCORDING to their expectations?? What happen to freedom of speech and expression?? Don't how we as individual count??
I remembered one time a guy with piercings came to visit Princess in hospital. Immediately was criticise about the company she is keeping. Despite of the fact THAT NO ONE there knew anything of this person. FYI - this person is getting married soon and he's an accomplished accountant. SURPRISE!! Well ..... NEVER JUDGE A PERSON BY ITS COVER!!
So what if we go against the grain and express how we feel?? Hhhhmmm our family members will get the brunt. But won't we be hypocrites if we go with the flow?? As Ace replies to Kell's harsh remarks "at least we are true to ourselves". This I so believe. What you see as what I TRULY am. Though I am adaptable to changes quite easy BUT THAT DOES NOT MEAN that I'll not be myself. Myself will just be a little control.
So .... I think its not good to be judgemental!
One man's meat is another man's poison.
Sticks and Stones may break my bones ...
But words can never hurt me!!
True?? To a certain extent as we are all only human to be affected. Its just a blog. Its what I write. Its my expression. Almost NOTHING is hidden. To Each HIS Own.
These are the events that have change my life in one way or another - and STILL IS changing. Incidents are in random order and it expresses my opinion and emotions. Its told from my stand point and I hope in the process I do not offend anyone concern.
Profile: Nariman a.k.a Putri
- foreverknight
- Wherever the wind blows :), Singapore
- I'm a Jack of all Trades. But a Master of None. However, my primary passion is in Teaching. I'm very expressive with my emotions .... hence ... I'm no good in a poker game :) Love all the romanticism that life can offer. Love my family, my one and ONLY. Last but not least my surrogate family my baby Princess and Chomelanggun.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Monday, February 19, 2007
CNY Smile Drink!
Allot has happen during the hols. More tears, coming to terms with facts. Trying hard to be strong. Always wondering - flames to dust, lovers to friends. Though these are the terms that we have to accept. Its kind of difficult when all these years its - ONLY THAT person that has occupied your life.
Anyways ...........
Anyways ...........
I'm so happy that Princess has good friends. When I came back and saw the trios (Ca, Sha and her) in the kitchen chatting and laughing. That felt sooooooooo good :) They went to play some Badminton and Rollerblade for awhile before they came up all sweaty but happy and smiling. To me that was all I need.
A drink they created. Hhmmmm yumminess !
So lazing around on the couch with their drinks and having Mandarin Oranges and watching Return of the King was OooooooooH so cool!

By the time the small "party" ended was already late and was about 9pm plus. I'm grateful to have her by my side. She gives me such strength.
Friday, February 16, 2007
Lapis Lazuri

The Pendant I gave Princess has a long history and would like to share with what I know of the stone.
Cultural and historical/mythical usage
A Mesopotamian lapis lazuli pendant circa 2900 BC.
In ancient Egypt lapis lazuli was a favorite stone for amulets and ornaments such as scarabs; it was also used by the Assyrians and Babylonians for seals. Egyptian burial sites dating before 3000 B.C. contained thousands of jewelry items, many of lapis. Powdered lapis was used by Egyptian ladies as a cosmetic eye shadow.
A Mesopotamian lapis lazuli pendant circa 2900 BC.
In ancient Egypt lapis lazuli was a favorite stone for amulets and ornaments such as scarabs; it was also used by the Assyrians and Babylonians for seals. Egyptian burial sites dating before 3000 B.C. contained thousands of jewelry items, many of lapis. Powdered lapis was used by Egyptian ladies as a cosmetic eye shadow.
As inscribed in the 140th chapter of the Egyptian Book of the Dead, lapis lazuli, in the shape of an eye set in gold, was considered an amulet of great power. On the last day of the month, an offering was made before this symbolic eye, for it was believed that, on that day, the supreme being placed such an image on his head.
The ancient royal Sumerian tombs of Ur, located near the Euphrates River in lower Iraq, contained more than 6000 beautifully executed lapis lazuli statuettes of birds, deer, and rodents as well as dishes, beads, and cylinder seals. These carved artifacts undoubtedly came from material mined in Badakhshan in northern Afghanistan. The word lazuli itself originates from the Persian dialect of Badakhshan. Much Sumerian and Akkadian poetry makes reference to lapis lazuli as a gem befitting royal splendor.
In ancient times, lapis lazuli was known as sapphire, which is the name that is used today for the blue corundum variety sapphire. It appears to have been the sapphire of ancient writers because Pliny refers to sapphirus as a stone sprinkled with specks of gold. A similar reference can be found in the Hebrew Bible in Job 28:6.
The Romans believed that lapis was a powerful aphrodisiac. In the Middle Ages, it was thought to keep the limbs healthy, and free the soul from error, envy and fear.
It was once believed that lapis had medicinal properties. It was ground down, mixed with milk and applied as a dressing for boils and ulcers. Many of the blues in painting from medieval Illuminated manuscripts to Renaissance panels were derived from lapis lazuli. Ground to a powder and processed to remove impurities and isolate the component lazurite, it forms the pigment ultramarine. This clear, bright blue, which was one of the few available to painters before the 19th century, cost a princely sum.
As tempera painting was superseded by the advent of oil paint in the Renaissance, painters found that the brilliance of ultramarine was greatly diminished when it was ground in oil and this, along with its cost, led to a steady decline in usage. Since the synthetic version of ultramarine was discovered in the 19th century (along with other 19th century blues, such as cobalt blue), production and use of the natural variety has almost ceased, though several pigment companies still produce it and some painters are still attracted to its brilliance and its romantic history.
Lapis lazuli, also known as just lapis, is a stone with one of the longest traditions of being considered a gem, with a history stretching back to 7000 BC in Mehrgarh of Indian subcontinent. Deep blue in color and opaque, this gemstone was highly prized by the pharaohs of ancient Egypt, as can be seen by its prominent use in many of the treasures recovered from pharaonic tombs. It is still extremely popular today.
Lapis is a rock and not a mineral because it is made up from various other minerals. To be a true mineral it would have one constituent only.[1]
The first part of the name is the Latin lapis, meaning stone. The second part, lazuli, is the genitive form of the medieval Latin lazulum, which came from Arabic (al-)lazward, which came from Persian لاژورد lāzhward. This was originally a place-name, but soon came to mean blue because of its association with the stone.
The English word azure, the Spanish and Portuguese azul, and the Italian azzurro are cognates. Taken as a whole, lapis lazuli means "stone of azure".
17 AT LAST!!
Tue 13th February
Since I've never been there I was taken aback by the new setting. The ambience was superb, the buffet layout was simply mouth watering. We enjoyed our meal tremendously going back and forth. When we were trying out the desert I told the head waiter that he can bring the cake out which I had ordered it before hand.

On this day ..... Baby Princess turn 17. A year older, a year wiser, a year stronger!
This year - Princess's birthday was not much of a fanfare compared to last year. Just Jazzmann aka Purpleheart aka Max X as Princess's friends know him as, myself and Princess's BF. Table was reserved for 4 at the Royal Plaza on the Scots at the Carousel Restaurant. Table was reserved for 6.30pm.
I took half day because I had to collect a pendant I bought for Princess. I wanted to get for her something meaningful and close to my heart I actually had it ordered some weeks before the actual day. So I needed time to collect it plus me and my big idea on seeing my luck - 4D!! The queue was pretty long.
My Princess and Hotty at home, hungry and waiting for me. Cabs were hard to get. Jazzmann called up to find out where I was. There were several events that had happened over the weekend. - A relation of the Princess was ill and was admitted to hospital on the Friday before this date. On the 13th itself ANOTHER of Princess's relation passed away at the young age of 30!!
If Jazzmann had the money he would have gone to Malaysia to visit the family. Even though it's from his past life. Close relations on all sides have always been maintained.
By the time I reached Woodlands - I had to prepare the card. It was hard without the Princess opening my door to see what's going on. But Mr Hotty was good at doing things discreetly!! You THE MAN SAN! When we moved out from there - we were already late. Jazzman was right - AS USUAL!!
Chocolate dip anyone??
The staff sang a Birthday song just for the Birthday Girl and presented her with flowers which Jazzmann bought it. In actual fact one bouquet for the Princess and one for me. He was so sweet! How I love him so :) just for that special thought.
Finally I gave Princess my gift - a Lapis Lazuli pendant. Her birth stone - earth born in the month of the wood. I'm happy that she liked it.
The story to the pendant .... hmmm. I think I'll keep that for myself!
Hotty manage to record down from Princess's Cybershot handphone some activites that had happened on that day. I tried to attach it - but not able to. All I could attach is this photo of us below.
The day ended when we got back home trying to look for vases for the flowers. Placing our bears at the head of our beds. Soaking Princess's white dress as we brought back the cake since we were all far to full to tuck in anyting in our belly.
Moment of Truth
Princess and company awaiting for their "O" level results. Sleepless nights followed as anxiety sets in. .... the day finally came. On that day I took half day as I could not keep my mind on my work. Chomelanggun despite the distance too can't focus on her job and kept calling me.
I rushed back but I tried to look like it was just another day. Hotty was home too with Princess. They left at 2.15pm and suddenly with no rhyme or reason my tears rolled down when they left the house. I brushed of my tears not wanting them to see but Hotty caught the look on my face.
I stayed home anxiously, I could not keep still and must have mopped the table a dozen times!!
Finally Princess and Hotty came back. I welcomed them in the usual manner. But I guess we both could read what's on our minds. The door swung open and I hugged her and we both ended up crying - but they were tears of joy.
We sat down on the bed opening all the package that was given by the school as she relate on the goings on of what happen at school. I'm so proud of Princess and EACH and EVERYONE of you despite what your results turn out. Most important thing - NEVER SAY DIE!!
When Hotty left and the house was empty Princess and I start marking all the courses that she is qualified for. After awhile I left her to list them down and spring clean her room while I did the cooking and do some chores.
I called her out from her bedchamber and we sat down for a quiet dinner for two. We ate while talking and discussing on all the courses that interests her. Told her almost everything there is to know about early childhood. The teaching passion that runs in us. To come to think about ... in some small way she is sooooooo like me.
Early Childhood was one of them - that is sooooooooo up my alley!!
The date line for submission - Feb 14th! She promise to get the list out by Mon Feb 12th the latest. Right before her birthday!!
I rushed back but I tried to look like it was just another day. Hotty was home too with Princess. They left at 2.15pm and suddenly with no rhyme or reason my tears rolled down when they left the house. I brushed of my tears not wanting them to see but Hotty caught the look on my face.
I stayed home anxiously, I could not keep still and must have mopped the table a dozen times!!
Finally Princess and Hotty came back. I welcomed them in the usual manner. But I guess we both could read what's on our minds. The door swung open and I hugged her and we both ended up crying - but they were tears of joy.
We sat down on the bed opening all the package that was given by the school as she relate on the goings on of what happen at school. I'm so proud of Princess and EACH and EVERYONE of you despite what your results turn out. Most important thing - NEVER SAY DIE!!
When Hotty left and the house was empty Princess and I start marking all the courses that she is qualified for. After awhile I left her to list them down and spring clean her room while I did the cooking and do some chores.
I called her out from her bedchamber and we sat down for a quiet dinner for two. We ate while talking and discussing on all the courses that interests her. Told her almost everything there is to know about early childhood. The teaching passion that runs in us. To come to think about ... in some small way she is sooooooo like me.
Early Childhood was one of them - that is sooooooooo up my alley!!
The date line for submission - Feb 14th! She promise to get the list out by Mon Feb 12th the latest. Right before her birthday!!
Singapore Vs Thailand - 2nd Leg Final
4th February 2007
The day finally came!! Will our LIONS bring the trophy home and make Singapore proud??
It's a Sunday so by the time I finished work and tuition I was eager to go back home like ..... ASAP. I thought I'll be watching the game with Baby Flame and Princess. Unfortunately due to some unforseen circumstances Baby Flame had to leave but I was happy to see Hotty strolling in just when we scored the goal!!
Shouts excitement can be heard from EVERY single block around us. It was a fantastic feeling.
TV dinner was in order we had pizza and chicken drumlets ........
Evening started with a bang for me looking forward to spending more time with Princess Hunns, Princess had some time with Baby Flame but the evening ended with a depressed mood. Despite of the fact that the Lions won victoriously. Hotty THE man tried to cheer us up but to no avail. So he left not to late and each went back to our shell to sleep over and rethink of "THE ARGUMENT".
To fight or not to fight?? Sometimes .... its just best to turn the other cheek. To turn the other cheek may hurt as it would create an impression that would be hard to comprehend for some. The impact will soon be felt and things would change as time pass by.
I guess only time can tell.
A hero's welcome for our LIONS.
The day finally came!! Will our LIONS bring the trophy home and make Singapore proud??
It's a Sunday so by the time I finished work and tuition I was eager to go back home like ..... ASAP. I thought I'll be watching the game with Baby Flame and Princess. Unfortunately due to some unforseen circumstances Baby Flame had to leave but I was happy to see Hotty strolling in just when we scored the goal!!
Shouts excitement can be heard from EVERY single block around us. It was a fantastic feeling.
TV dinner was in order we had pizza and chicken drumlets ........
Evening started with a bang for me looking forward to spending more time with Princess Hunns, Princess had some time with Baby Flame but the evening ended with a depressed mood. Despite of the fact that the Lions won victoriously. Hotty THE man tried to cheer us up but to no avail. So he left not to late and each went back to our shell to sleep over and rethink of "THE ARGUMENT".
To fight or not to fight?? Sometimes .... its just best to turn the other cheek. To turn the other cheek may hurt as it would create an impression that would be hard to comprehend for some. The impact will soon be felt and things would change as time pass by.
I guess only time can tell.
A hero's welcome for our LIONS.

Monday, February 12, 2007
Singapore Vs Thailand 1st Leg Final

31st January 2007
Ok on this day I went to the office for few hours. Went to settle a phone issue. Bought food for my princess, friends and me. I told her TODAY must be on time coz …
Well I don’t want Jazzmann to be upset and waiting AGAIN!! But things got complicated on my way to woodlands and I SO NEARLY freaked out!!
While at Woodlands .... *sighs* more communication breakdowns!! Oh gosh!!
Well I don’t want Jazzmann to be upset and waiting AGAIN!! But things got complicated on my way to woodlands and I SO NEARLY freaked out!!
While at Woodlands .... *sighs* more communication breakdowns!! Oh gosh!!
We finally split up from the original plan on moving off together. When we got there - it was a meeting point - where the PLACE NO LONGER EXIST!! Ha ha. Gosh!! That goes to show you how back dated I am!!
Tikus, Princess and I ended up hanging around at the 7-11 stall near the Indoor Stadium. I spotted Jazzmann and we waited for Hotty and gang.

So once we got there as planned. Jazzmann one who always think with his tummy …. Hmmmm quite norm for men. Quick bite?? Mr Jazzmann aka Uncle Max to the "YOUNGuns". Thought we were early after all the match does start at 8pm. But the idea of getting there EARLY is too get good seats! Anyways he decided to go down to KFC but was jam packed so we headed across to Mc’s. Jazzmann and our dear Abang Dan queue up and came out with food enough to feed an ARMY!! Oh well they were hungry anyways.
Being the 1st leg finals we bumped into people we knew!! Jazzmann's relation and second wife. Ana’s cousin Wani, her other friends whom she’s not met for some time. Anyways … once inside we got our seats. It just soooooooo happen we sat next to some psycho which in some ways got us entertaining.
THAN …..
THAN …..
Singapore dominated the first half. Noh Alam Shah put the home side ahead in the 17th minute. We cheered, we hugged and …. Being so happy and excited for our lions … I accidentally STAINED his white shirt!! Oh NO!! That was it. We did our best in trying to clean it.
The game ended and victory was on our side! As for the 2nd leg …. Hhmmm that’s still left to be seen!
We inched our way out of the stadium slowly walking and jumping over drains. Finally got to the bus stop. Sent Jazzmann off as he took the last bus. We were so overwhelmed by the crowd that we needed a break.
Rested for a bit at the side and went back in 2 cabs!! By the time we reached woodlands we NEARLY COMPLETELY have no voice!! What an end to a beautiful night …. All except for Jazzmann's stained white T-shirt.
Football: Singapore beat Thailand in Asean championship first-leg finalPosted: 31 January 2007 2212 hrs

Singapore player Mohd Noh Rahman (L) takes the ball away from Thailand player Sutee Suksomkit (R).
SINGAPORE : Singapore defeated Thailand 2-1 in the Asean Football Championship first-leg final held at the National Stadium on Wednesday.

Singapore player Mohd Noh Rahman (L) takes the ball away from Thailand player Sutee Suksomkit (R).
SINGAPORE : Singapore defeated Thailand 2-1 in the Asean Football Championship first-leg final held at the National Stadium on Wednesday.
Singapore dominated the first half. Noh Alam Shah put the home side ahead in the 17th minute, much to the delight of the 60,000 crowd. Thailand fought back in the second half and was rewarded in the 50th minute. A defensive error by the Singapore side allowed Pipat Thonkanya to equalise.
Play was held up minutes before full-time after Thai officials disputed a controversial penalty awarded to Singapore, and refused to continue with the match. Malaysian referee C. Ravichandran awarded the spot kick to Singapore after Noh Alam Shah was adjudged to have been brought down by Thailand's Niweat Siriwong.
Singapore officials were seen in the field trying to persuade the Thai team to resume play. The match later resumed with Singapore scoring the penalty kick through Mustafic Fahrudin in the 98th minute. Singapore will meet Thailand in their second-leg final in Bangkok on February 4. - CNA/de
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Freedom of Expression??
First I would like to apologise for all who have been affected by the photos. The photos have been taken out due to the fact that it might construe the wrong image and will project the wrong impression of what it ACTUALLY is.
This is for THAT very small percentage of people who take the pictures more to heart rather than the words.
After having said this ..... I would like to thank those that have given their comments for some of the articles that I have written. This I will treasure as this means that you actually read and take heart to what it is written. Please keep those emails coming.

A special thank you to Mr Chan Principal of Evergreen and the teachers; that have taught and are still teaching to the EVGians babies that I know. Though we may have our differences in methods of lesson delivery I’m happy to say that in the end we learn from each other. Someone told me that A Good teacher EPLAINS but it is the teacher that INSPIRES that makes a teacher GREAT.
I will still be gracing your halls and corridors even though my princess no longer goes there, as I am still a guardian to the few that are still studying there.
Thank you to all the EVGians that have also given their comments – its GREAT!! J BTW – I would like to wish ALL EVGians who will be collecting their “O” level results this Friday at 2pm.
Don’t worry about what you cannot change but to make the best of what results you have on hand. In the end its how determine you are in WANTING to reach that goal!

Coming back to the Freedom of Expression?? .... Looks like - freedom has a constrain or responsibility that may have a percussion on our lives. Example - if you see a couple kissing .... What is the first thing that comes to your mind?? .... Either: Ooooh that's such a loving couple. Or you might think ..."Gosh! Where’s their bed side manner?" But what about from the couple's point of view? "Oh well! Who cares what anyone thinks!" A sign of PDA (Public Display of Affection); to me it is the DEGREES that you show your affection or expression. There is a place for everything! I mean a person is not going to a formal function in swimwear right??
So I conclude that in future we have to think what sort of pictures to add or not to add.
This is for THAT very small percentage of people who take the pictures more to heart rather than the words.
After having said this ..... I would like to thank those that have given their comments for some of the articles that I have written. This I will treasure as this means that you actually read and take heart to what it is written. Please keep those emails coming.

A special thank you to Mr Chan Principal of Evergreen and the teachers; that have taught and are still teaching to the EVGians babies that I know. Though we may have our differences in methods of lesson delivery I’m happy to say that in the end we learn from each other. Someone told me that A Good teacher EPLAINS but it is the teacher that INSPIRES that makes a teacher GREAT.
I will still be gracing your halls and corridors even though my princess no longer goes there, as I am still a guardian to the few that are still studying there.
Thank you to all the EVGians that have also given their comments – its GREAT!! J BTW – I would like to wish ALL EVGians who will be collecting their “O” level results this Friday at 2pm.
Don’t worry about what you cannot change but to make the best of what results you have on hand. In the end its how determine you are in WANTING to reach that goal!

Coming back to the Freedom of Expression?? .... Looks like - freedom has a constrain or responsibility that may have a percussion on our lives. Example - if you see a couple kissing .... What is the first thing that comes to your mind?? .... Either: Ooooh that's such a loving couple. Or you might think ..."Gosh! Where’s their bed side manner?" But what about from the couple's point of view? "Oh well! Who cares what anyone thinks!" A sign of PDA (Public Display of Affection); to me it is the DEGREES that you show your affection or expression. There is a place for everything! I mean a person is not going to a formal function in swimwear right??
So I conclude that in future we have to think what sort of pictures to add or not to add.
Friday, February 02, 2007
Singapore Vs Malaysia - 2nd Leg Semi Final
27th January 2007
Bright and early my baby princess went for her dance practice. I didn’t have to worry about work as I took the day off. So I did all the chores. Jazzmann is a stickler for punctuality had to call me several times just to make sure that I WILL BE ON TIME!! I didn’t have to cook that day cause we’ll be eating BBQ food at the SMRT HQ.

Got dressed in FULL REGALIA and took a cab down to SMRT HQ. I recognized some of them from the players that normally play friendly matches for SMRT football. It was nice to mingle with the SMRT staff and their wives or GF’s OUTSIDE the office rather than IN the office.

By 5pm everyone packed up the things and went off while Jazzmann and I sat outside on the bench waiting patiently for Ana and friend. We sat and chatted it was nice. Hhhhmmmm its been awhile. So we took THAT same cab to the stadium! Damn the jam. … But that is to be expected. So we walked half of the way.
WoW!! It was the match of a lifetime!! There was a sea of reds and white shirts. I enjoyed every moment of it. What with all the excitement! We had the corner seats. We were luck as the penalty was taken on our side.
Football: Singapore beat Malaysia in Asean semi-final thrillerPosted: 28 January 2007 0301 hrs

The Singapore football team celebrates
SINGAPORE - Singapore are through to the final of the Asean Football Championship, defeating arch-rivals Malaysia 5-4 on penalties in Saturday's thrilling encounter.
Defending champions Singapore were locked 1-1 against Malaysia after regulation time, forcing their semi-final match into extra time in front of a 55,000 capacity crowd at the National Stadium here. Neither side scored after a tough 30-minute battle, prompting a penalty shootout. Singapore finally emerged victors after keeper Lionel Lewis saved Malaysia's fifth shot from Khyril Zambri, sending the crowd into wild celebrations. It was an agonising end for Malaysia who started the match in scintillating form, with Eddy Helmi Manan unleashing a powerful shot in the 57th minute that slipped past the Singapore keeper.
Muhammad Ridhuan equalised for Singapore in the 74th minute, tapping the ball into the net after the Malaysian keeper dropped Noh Alam Shah's header. Singapore drew 1-1 against Malaysia in the first leg of the semi-finals in Kuala Lumpur on Tuesday. The city-state play the winner of Sunday's Thailand-Vietnam clash in the final. Regional powerhouse Thailand beat Vietnam 2-0 in their first semi-final encounter, with Vietnam desperate for revenge on Sunday. Singapore coach Radojko Avramovic had issued a rallying cry to Singapore fans to turn out for the match after disappointing crowds earlier in the tournament.
Bright and early my baby princess went for her dance practice. I didn’t have to worry about work as I took the day off. So I did all the chores. Jazzmann is a stickler for punctuality had to call me several times just to make sure that I WILL BE ON TIME!! I didn’t have to cook that day cause we’ll be eating BBQ food at the SMRT HQ.
Got dressed in FULL REGALIA and took a cab down to SMRT HQ. I recognized some of them from the players that normally play friendly matches for SMRT football. It was nice to mingle with the SMRT staff and their wives or GF’s OUTSIDE the office rather than IN the office.
By 5pm everyone packed up the things and went off while Jazzmann and I sat outside on the bench waiting patiently for Ana and friend. We sat and chatted it was nice. Hhhhmmmm its been awhile. So we took THAT same cab to the stadium! Damn the jam. … But that is to be expected. So we walked half of the way.
WoW!! It was the match of a lifetime!! There was a sea of reds and white shirts. I enjoyed every moment of it. What with all the excitement! We had the corner seats. We were luck as the penalty was taken on our side.
Football: Singapore beat Malaysia in Asean semi-final thrillerPosted: 28 January 2007 0301 hrs

The Singapore football team celebrates
SINGAPORE - Singapore are through to the final of the Asean Football Championship, defeating arch-rivals Malaysia 5-4 on penalties in Saturday's thrilling encounter.
Defending champions Singapore were locked 1-1 against Malaysia after regulation time, forcing their semi-final match into extra time in front of a 55,000 capacity crowd at the National Stadium here. Neither side scored after a tough 30-minute battle, prompting a penalty shootout. Singapore finally emerged victors after keeper Lionel Lewis saved Malaysia's fifth shot from Khyril Zambri, sending the crowd into wild celebrations. It was an agonising end for Malaysia who started the match in scintillating form, with Eddy Helmi Manan unleashing a powerful shot in the 57th minute that slipped past the Singapore keeper.
Muhammad Ridhuan equalised for Singapore in the 74th minute, tapping the ball into the net after the Malaysian keeper dropped Noh Alam Shah's header. Singapore drew 1-1 against Malaysia in the first leg of the semi-finals in Kuala Lumpur on Tuesday. The city-state play the winner of Sunday's Thailand-Vietnam clash in the final. Regional powerhouse Thailand beat Vietnam 2-0 in their first semi-final encounter, with Vietnam desperate for revenge on Sunday. Singapore coach Radojko Avramovic had issued a rallying cry to Singapore fans to turn out for the match after disappointing crowds earlier in the tournament.
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