On this day ..... Baby Princess turn 17. A year older, a year wiser, a year stronger!
This year - Princess's birthday was not much of a fanfare compared to last year. Just Jazzmann aka Purpleheart aka Max X as Princess's friends know him as, myself and Princess's BF. Table was reserved for 4 at the Royal Plaza on the Scots at the Carousel Restaurant. Table was reserved for 6.30pm.
I took half day because I had to collect a pendant I bought for Princess. I wanted to get for her something meaningful and close to my heart I actually had it ordered some weeks before the actual day. So I needed time to collect it plus me and my big idea on seeing my luck - 4D!! The queue was pretty long.
My Princess and Hotty at home, hungry and waiting for me. Cabs were hard to get. Jazzmann called up to find out where I was. There were several events that had happened over the weekend. - A relation of the Princess was ill and was admitted to hospital on the Friday before this date. On the 13th itself ANOTHER of Princess's relation passed away at the young age of 30!!
If Jazzmann had the money he would have gone to Malaysia to visit the family. Even though it's from his past life. Close relations on all sides have always been maintained.
By the time I reached Woodlands - I had to prepare the card. It was hard without the Princess opening my door to see what's going on. But Mr Hotty was good at doing things discreetly!! You THE MAN SAN! When we moved out from there - we were already late. Jazzman was right - AS USUAL!!
Chocolate dip anyone??
The staff sang a Birthday song just for the Birthday Girl and presented her with flowers which Jazzmann bought it. In actual fact one bouquet for the Princess and one for me. He was so sweet! How I love him so :) just for that special thought.
Finally I gave Princess my gift - a Lapis Lazuli pendant. Her birth stone - earth born in the month of the wood. I'm happy that she liked it.
The story to the pendant .... hmmm. I think I'll keep that for myself!
Hotty manage to record down from Princess's Cybershot handphone some activites that had happened on that day. I tried to attach it - but not able to. All I could attach is this photo of us below.
The day ended when we got back home trying to look for vases for the flowers. Placing our bears at the head of our beds. Soaking Princess's white dress as we brought back the cake since we were all far to full to tuck in anyting in our belly.
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