The day finally came!! Will our LIONS bring the trophy home and make Singapore proud??
It's a Sunday so by the time I finished work and tuition I was eager to go back home like ..... ASAP. I thought I'll be watching the game with Baby Flame and Princess. Unfortunately due to some unforseen circumstances Baby Flame had to leave but I was happy to see Hotty strolling in just when we scored the goal!!
Shouts excitement can be heard from EVERY single block around us. It was a fantastic feeling.
TV dinner was in order we had pizza and chicken drumlets ........
Evening started with a bang for me looking forward to spending more time with Princess Hunns, Princess had some time with Baby Flame but the evening ended with a depressed mood. Despite of the fact that the Lions won victoriously. Hotty THE man tried to cheer us up but to no avail. So he left not to late and each went back to our shell to sleep over and rethink of "THE ARGUMENT".
To fight or not to fight?? Sometimes .... its just best to turn the other cheek. To turn the other cheek may hurt as it would create an impression that would be hard to comprehend for some. The impact will soon be felt and things would change as time pass by.
I guess only time can tell.
A hero's welcome for our LIONS.

1 comment:
Nice blog. Pity we weren't there in Thailand :(
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