This is for THAT very small percentage of people who take the pictures more to heart rather than the words.
After having said this ..... I would like to thank those that have given their comments for some of the articles that I have written. This I will treasure as this means that you actually read and take heart to what it is written. Please keep those emails coming.

A special thank you to Mr Chan Principal of Evergreen and the teachers; that have taught and are still teaching to the EVGians babies that I know. Though we may have our differences in methods of lesson delivery I’m happy to say that in the end we learn from each other. Someone told me that A Good teacher EPLAINS but it is the teacher that INSPIRES that makes a teacher GREAT.
I will still be gracing your halls and corridors even though my princess no longer goes there, as I am still a guardian to the few that are still studying there.
Thank you to all the EVGians that have also given their comments – its GREAT!! J BTW – I would like to wish ALL EVGians who will be collecting their “O” level results this Friday at 2pm.
Don’t worry about what you cannot change but to make the best of what results you have on hand. In the end its how determine you are in WANTING to reach that goal!

Coming back to the Freedom of Expression?? .... Looks like - freedom has a constrain or responsibility that may have a percussion on our lives. Example - if you see a couple kissing .... What is the first thing that comes to your mind?? .... Either: Ooooh that's such a loving couple. Or you might think ..."Gosh! Where’s their bed side manner?" But what about from the couple's point of view? "Oh well! Who cares what anyone thinks!" A sign of PDA (Public Display of Affection); to me it is the DEGREES that you show your affection or expression. There is a place for everything! I mean a person is not going to a formal function in swimwear right??
So I conclude that in future we have to think what sort of pictures to add or not to add.
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