Profile: Nariman a.k.a Putri

Wherever the wind blows :), Singapore
I'm a Jack of all Trades. But a Master of None. However, my primary passion is in Teaching. I'm very expressive with my emotions .... hence ... I'm no good in a poker game :) Love all the romanticism that life can offer. Love my family, my one and ONLY. Last but not least my surrogate family my baby Princess and Chomelanggun.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

King of Swords by Galendri

Today's Card
The King of Swords card suggests that your power today lies in credibility.

Your commanding reputation precedes you and in this seat of power you have nothing left to prove -- but you would be mistaken to assume that you have nothing left to learn or teach. You are ready to consolidate your resources or channel your experience in preparation for sharing your wisdom, protecting a legacy or to pursue new meaning.

In architecting your purpose, the pen has become mightier than the Sword. .... THIS IS SOOOOOOOOOO You!!

You are empowered by mastery, mandate or responsibility and your virtue is honor in authority and executive decision-making.

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