Profile: Nariman a.k.a Putri

Wherever the wind blows :), Singapore
I'm a Jack of all Trades. But a Master of None. However, my primary passion is in Teaching. I'm very expressive with my emotions .... hence ... I'm no good in a poker game :) Love all the romanticism that life can offer. Love my family, my one and ONLY. Last but not least my surrogate family my baby Princess and Chomelanggun.

Friday, October 19, 2007

The Morning After

The First day of Eid  ..... hhhhmmm for a few days all I have been doing was laze and laze and more LAZE .... so much so that on the Eve of Eid I was actually kinda lazy.  My health also played a part.
So waited for my sisters to come round.  We decorated a little.  Change the sheets.  Arrange the table and chairs.  This year most of the people that would be coming will be Luisi's friend.  But some of Zan's friend came too.  Its been ages since I've gone to the mosque for the Eid prayers.  But I'm glad I went.  Dad, mama and me walked down to the nearest  mosque.  There wasn't any use in takin the car as there would be waaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy toooooooo many people.
We were 15mins early but the mosque was already packed.  So packed that they had to do another session.  Came home .... I was absolutely tired I fell asleep!!  The caterers came and I slept through it!!  Guests started streaming in slow trickle.  Which was good then we won't tire ourselves out so easily.  Was good to see everyone.  Especially Don ... ALMOST a long lost family, childhood friend due to lack of contact.  Thank you Lynnette for taking stuff back to Shangai for Leela. But  .... more stuff to be expected ya :)
Don was going back to Malaysia the next day so I brought him to my mum's.  She was so happy to see him and likewise Don.  I also remembered that it was one of my Woodlander Cuz birthday.  So was also thinking of dropping by his house.  Ha ha!  Good thing I called him up first.  Erm actually, just to double check his address.  When he said that the ENTIRE clan was already on their way to my mum's house!  Gosh!!  Glad I made that call.
Squash was being served with whatever cookies my mum had.  That CLAN occupied the entire hall and kitchen.  I was so happy to see them.  After my long absence from my family it was good to see all of them.  Immediate and extended families.  I am also missing my surrogate family as well :(  But don't worry Baby I'll see you soon enough k.
Later after that .... the Woodlander's Clan went to Lakepoint to pay my dad a visit.  Good way to ake a lift from them too eh ;)
Mida was also leaving that night to balik kampumg for 17 days!!  In her excitement she forgot her airtickets.  Its a good thing it was not far before she realised it. 
So for Lakepoint the Woodlander's clan was the last visitors as were for my mum's too.  After they left.  Luisi and family left once the kids have showered and changed.  Mama and Dad went back to Malaysia that night too.  So Zan and her kids occupied my dad's room and I slept in my own bed.  Boooooooooy that feels soooooooooo goooooooood!!
I went off like a light!

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