Profile: Nariman a.k.a Putri

Wherever the wind blows :), Singapore
I'm a Jack of all Trades. But a Master of None. However, my primary passion is in Teaching. I'm very expressive with my emotions .... hence ... I'm no good in a poker game :) Love all the romanticism that life can offer. Love my family, my one and ONLY. Last but not least my surrogate family my baby Princess and Chomelanggun.

Monday, November 05, 2007

Day with the Young Un

Saturday .... everyone left but Shahrazad and me. What a day it was. The night before both of us slept pretty late. Actually, I knocked out like a light before she did!!

So obviously it was a late morning by the time we got up. ... or rather She got up. she has grown so much and so independent I could not believe it!! While getting dress she busied herself making her own breakfast.

Marshmallow toast??? Oh well, as long as she likes it. Gas had run out and she soooooooooooo wanted "BBQ" Marshmallow. So since we ain't got no gas we did it over a lighter!!

For the past few weeks my handphone has become like a toy to Sara and Shahrazad. Playing games, creating what art they could with photos taken by them. Actually they are quite good.

Watched "Fat Albert the movie" followed by "Shaggy the Dog" followed by "Frankenfish". Surprisingly she's seen it even though it was a gory movie and was telling me the story!!

Downing with Pizza, Milk and Pepsi. Lately my diet has been made up of mostly HL Milk and more HL MilK. Downing it while watching movie. She helped me sat the table an all without me having to tell her!! Gosh!! She must have grown behind my back!! Gone are the days when I use to cradle her to sleep when I babysit her.

Went swimming for about an hour. Went to the playground .... I really miss playing on the swing. Its been ages since I last swam in that pool.
The minute we walked through the door my handphone rang. Mistake for the day ..... didn't call the mum to inform her the time I'd sent her home.

I didn't even realise that she hung up on her mum untill much later when I found the phone off the HOOK!! Hey, don't be too hard on her ok. Its me you are having trouble with so don't vent it out on her k.

I took her back home just as you wanted it but when you weren't home she started to tear almost to a soft sob. But I knew she was holding it back trying hard to look brave.

Anyways .... weekends is good to be at LP cause I can catch up with my all time fave TV programme. .... CSI, CSI and more CSI.

Its 04:30hrs now .... and I am already watching the second running of CSI Supreme!! But I know I have to hit the sack soon cause I promise I'd be at Woodies before 14:00hrs.

Yup, I'll sleep after this ... I meant after CSI ;)

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