Profile: Nariman a.k.a Putri

Wherever the wind blows :), Singapore
I'm a Jack of all Trades. But a Master of None. However, my primary passion is in Teaching. I'm very expressive with my emotions .... hence ... I'm no good in a poker game :) Love all the romanticism that life can offer. Love my family, my one and ONLY. Last but not least my surrogate family my baby Princess and Chomelanggun.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

What Come Around Goes Around

How very true................................. though I know allot of people disagree with me. But I believe that as long as I tried my best I think that all it matters. Off course there are Risks and there ARE RISKS.

Either brainless, reckless risk or calculated risk. How does one really know the truth?? So good karma .... What comes around goes around.

Someone asked me why I treat my foe as alike as my friends. Have you not heard the saying?? Keep your friends close but keep your enemies even closer. Bottom line is - JUST BE GOOD TO EVERYONE. Treat others the way you want them to treat you.

And also - there are such things as second chances and turning into a new leaf.

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