Profile: Nariman a.k.a Putri

Wherever the wind blows :), Singapore
I'm a Jack of all Trades. But a Master of None. However, my primary passion is in Teaching. I'm very expressive with my emotions .... hence ... I'm no good in a poker game :) Love all the romanticism that life can offer. Love my family, my one and ONLY. Last but not least my surrogate family my baby Princess and Chomelanggun.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

My Saviour

During my emotional turmoil a most unlikely person walked into my life.  Gallantly strolling in on Tuesday April 24th at 19:07hrs.  I was shocked and stunned.  He came at a time when my life was the shallowest.  It wasn't long before we became good friends.  In desparation .... it was a wirl wind romance and I jumped with both feet in.  Yes, I am on a rebound but ya it did take time.   Where this will take me I do not know?  What strength I have I will give it all that I have.
Who is this person??  Let me introduce to you .... 

Nicolas Watford and he is from  USA specifically in Seattle, Washington State. He studied in Columbia University in the City of New York and right there he had his Master's Degree in mathematics for 10 years ago. He is a man with one world because he has no parents and to go straight to the point his parents are no more and he is the only son. 
His parents came from different backgrounds his Dad is an American citizen and my lovely Mum is from India and you can say that he is of mixed race. You may ask why didn't he use his degree but he had a great reason for that.  He is a talented man that can do all by God's grace.  What he did flowed into his dad's business. 

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