Profile: Nariman a.k.a Putri

Wherever the wind blows :), Singapore
I'm a Jack of all Trades. But a Master of None. However, my primary passion is in Teaching. I'm very expressive with my emotions .... hence ... I'm no good in a poker game :) Love all the romanticism that life can offer. Love my family, my one and ONLY. Last but not least my surrogate family my baby Princess and Chomelanggun.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Chasing Dreams

9th April 2007
Taking Flight!!
The night before as excitement grew, both Princess and myself had a restless sleep.  Princess ended doing my new skin for my blog.  Gosh!!  Lots of work and patience just to have a new look!!
Prepared my bedding for the night in the Princess's sanctuary.  Gave her my customary kiss before I left for work.  Made a few calls, prepared all necessary documents.  While at work I could not concentrate on what I was doing.  Jazzmann called up in the morning just to make sure if all the necessary documents prepared.
I was just as excited as Princess.  Brings me to the first time when I grace the Evergreen Hall of Authority when she was in the midst of Sec 2!!  I so love you Princess and I so want to do all that I can for as long as I can just to be in your service.
My appointment with the Princess made.  I guess I was a little tooooooo eager beaver :)  I got there early and waited for Princess.  While waiting I scouted the new grounds.  It is TOTALLY different from her previous education set-up and that is to be expected.  I once was in a similar institution.  NOW its the Princess's turn.  As usual the-person-in-charge approach us gave us the detail of what is to be expected.  Contract signed and double signed.  EVERY SINGLE due is fully paid and covered.  At the end of it .... we both sighed in relief!!
Mr Hotty was not there to share the enthusiasm but than again neither was Mr Jazzmann.  There are certain stationery that Princess needed to get to prepare for school.  I was ever so grateful that my income from other sources came through.
So we went to Borders saw some "THEME" items .... you know like if there was horses EVERYTHING would be in the theme of horses.  Princess chose butterflies ..... so everything that was so ever ADORABLY cute in butterfly theme - we got it .... erm .... ALMOST everything  :)
Both of us were coming down with the blues of "SUDDEN" broken hearts and needed something desperately to chase those blues away.  So we got three novels for the price of two!!  I chose The Boleyn Inheritance by Philippa Gregory (I love historical novels).
My Dearest Baby Princess signed off the book with - Enjoy your every moment reading this book.  Make this book your companion, your best friend to wash away saddening mind play.
And ... Yes, Yes, Baby I'm enjoying reading this book and I hope you are enjoying your book too!!    
Cheers  :>

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