Profile: Nariman a.k.a Putri

Wherever the wind blows :), Singapore
I'm a Jack of all Trades. But a Master of None. However, my primary passion is in Teaching. I'm very expressive with my emotions .... hence ... I'm no good in a poker game :) Love all the romanticism that life can offer. Love my family, my one and ONLY. Last but not least my surrogate family my baby Princess and Chomelanggun.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Splintered Glass: A Shoulder to Lean On

Sunday 15th April 2007

Splintered Glass: A Shoulder to Lean ON

When all was gone the night grew darker and the domain a deathly silence. You and I tried to "move on" with much difficulty as we both know what was running in our mind. Questions still left unanswered yet we need to voice our thoughts.

I made noodles and ice Milo to cool our thirst or rather to cool us. I watched you eat in silent and intent. The small talk didn't help either. You were done. I removed your plate with a smile and you smiled back. I was about to leave ... you pulled my sleeve and asked me to stay. I'm glad you open up. I'm glad you asked me to stay.

Your story poured and I L.I.S.T.E.N.E.D & H.E.A.R.D. I controlled my tears. We held hands. You reminded me and repeated what I told you few days back. "Its better to cry together than to cry by your lonesome self". You manage to crack a smile in between your sobs. We cried, we hugged. You cupped my face with both your hands and your lengthy fingers wiped my tears. You kissed my eyes ever so gently and tasted my salty tears. In returned I kissed your forehead.

We look at each other knowingly. The hurt obvious. Time heals all wounds they say. But they fail to explain that the scar will forever remain. Yet, we only have ONE love. I've made my vow some years ago and renewed my vow with my blood. A sacred vow I swore to keep.

But you my baby I WILL protect you with my very life until ... I no longer can.

Much later, we move on to more cheerful topics on school, friends, assignments and such. For that moment we knew in our hearts both needed space. So we went to our own sanctuary.

You went to your own sanctuary as I did mine. As I showered the pain came again. I hated myself. Why?? I hit myself so hard not realising that the sound echoed all the way to your room.

You waited till I went into my own sanctuary and waited momentarily. Your crept into my room and enquire I said I was ok as so did you. NOT!! We knew we were only lying to each other as I could see the stain of tears on your face. You squeeze my hand and lie next to me on my small tiny bed and I wanted to pull back. Unashamed of how my awful hands look you kiss it and took it in both your hands. Ensuring each other that all will be well.

"Does it matter if Jazzmann love you? I LOVE you, ok. You are beautiful to me." and I had to retort back half a laugh and half a sob.

Yes, baby .... you are right. We have each other. That is all it matters .... till I no longer have the strength.

I love you too Baby. I love and enjoy sharing your ALL of your life. Every S.I.N.G.L.E phase. A change. Like a butterfly :)

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